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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Cyber Security

How Will Web 3.0 Change Internet Privacy?
Image from MUO
Web 3.0 is intended to move the power of control from large third-party companies back to the individual users. More aspects will be decentralized and additional technologies will be used to make the internet more secure. While not here yet, Web 3.0 is very promising but only time will tell if it will actually live up to its claims. Check out the linked article for full details.

How to Password Protect Your USB Drive: 7 Easy Ways
Image from MUO
Your computer already has built-in protections to help secure the data it stores. Have you ever considered the data you have on USB drives? This data, by default, is not stored securely and anyone who gets their hands on your USB drive will have access to your data. You should consider adding a layer of protection to your USB drives to ensure the data stored on them is secured. Check out the linked article for options on how to secure your USB drives.

The 8 Most Common Tricks Used to Hack Passwords
Image from MUO
Are your passwords too weak or constantly being compromised? Do you want to know how to best create a secure/strong password? One way to ensure you have good passwords is to know how passwords are hacked. The linked article will explain how this is done.
If you use a password manager to generate random complex passwords for each login you can be confident that you will have strong passwords that will be harder to crack.

The 8 Best Features of the Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22579
Image from MUO
If you are interested or curious about the latest features Microsoft has been working on for Windows 11 you can find out in the linked article. Features released as part of these preview builds are not guaranteed to make it into the final release to the public. You can also learn how to get access to these preview builds if you want to test out upcoming features. This is not recommended for everyone as the preview builds will have more bugs than the stable public releases.
A preview build is a work in progress version or beta software. These builds have not been released to the public but are the last stage of testing (and most stable) before public release.

How to Set Up Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11
Image from MUO
Keyboard shortcuts can be very useful and can save time. These are various key combinations on the keyboard such as Ctrl + S to save a file. You can also create your own shortcuts in Windows to do all sorts of things. Check out the linked article for more information.
Tips & Tricks

How to Access Websites That Won't Load: 5 Methods to Try
Image from MUO
We've all experienced issues with accessing websites that won't load. Just because a site doesn't load doesn't mean it is inaccessible. Check out the linked article to learn how you can still access a site even if it will not load.

KeyTips in Microsoft Office: What They Are and How to Use Them
Image from MUO
KeyTips are keyboard shortcuts for using the functions in the ribbon menu in Microsoft Office applications.
These are a form of keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Office. They can enable you to work more efficiently without having to move away from your keyboard (to your mouse) to access and use the menu. Learn more about the KeyTips and how to use them in the linked article.
Useful Information

7 Reasons Why Wi-Fi Internet Is Slow on Your Phone
Image from MUO
Have you ever experienced a slow Wi-Fi connection on your phone? Want to know what to do about it? Once you know what the potential issue is you will be able to take steps to correct or mitigate the issue. The first step is knowing what the cause is and understanding it. Check out the linked article for full details.

5 Ways to Secure Your Facebook Account for Recovery
Image from MUO
If you are a Facebook user and regularly use Facebook you will want to ensure that your account is secured and can be easily recovered in case you forget your password or your account gets hacked. Don't wait until it is too late. Take action now to secure your account.
FAQ of the Week

What Is ISP Throttling? How Can You Tell if You're Being Throttled?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at ISP Throttling.
ISP throttling is the act of limiting internet bandwidth or speed. It is performed by ISPs not because of technical issues but because they specifically want you to have lower speeds.
There are many reasons for this including:
- Data Caps
- Network Congestion
- Prioritization
- Torrenting
The best way to determine if your service is being throttled is to run a speed test. A good site to use is Throttling is usually more common on residential and mobile connections. Business internet service may not be as restricted.