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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Up to 100 Lenovo laptops are a security risk—what now?
Image from PCWorld
Over the years Lenovo laptops have had some significant issues, sometimes more than other brands. It has been our recommendation for a while to not purchase a Lenovo and this only helps to firm up our recommendation. There are other reasons we don't recommend Lenovo systems but this one speaks volumes. Check out the linked article for full details.

'Mute' button in conferencing apps may not actually mute your mic
Image from Bleeping Computer
If you are like most people these days you likely use a conferencing app, such as Zoom, on a daily or almost daily basis. A new study has shown that using the mute button may not actually fully mute your audio. While the other participants may not hear you the app may still be sampling your audio. This can be a privacy and security issue for many users. Check out the linked article to see which apps are affected and what you may be able to do.
Cyber Security

What Can Someone Do With Your IP Address?
Image from MUO
Your IP address is your online digital address where you can be found just like your postal address. It is not often that someone will try to figure out what your IP address is but malicious actors will if they believe there is something they can get from you. It is important to be aware of this, what they can do, and how you can protect yourself. Check out the linked article for details.

6 Ways Your Email Address Can Be Exploited by Scammers
Image from MUO
If you are not already taking steps to secure and protect your email address you are at risk of having your email address exploited. Hackers and scammers will use any email address they can find and use as there is always something they can get with it. Take steps now to ensure your email address/account is secure and protected.

12 Ways to Keep Your Privacy on Zoom and Other Video Conferencing Platforms
Image from MUO
With the increased use of video conferencing apps, it is important to review important privacy measures to ensure you are protected while using these services. Don't get lulled into a false sense of security or privacy. Check out the linked article to learn how you can be compromised on these services and what to do about it.

Delete These Windows Files and Folders to Free Up Disk Space
Image from MUO
If you don't regularly clean out old or unneeded files on your system you may find yourself running out of space. It is important to perform regular maintenance on your system, which includes cleaning up and removing files and folders that are no longer needed. Some of the most common items are temp files and downloaded files. Check out the linked article to learn about other files you can remove.

How to Optimize Power Settings on Windows 11
Image from MUO
It is important to optimize the power settings in Windows to get the best performance and battery life you can. Check out the linked article for various optimizations you can run in Windows.

How to Extend Your Windows Laptop's Battery Lifespan With a Battery Charge Threshold
Image from MUO
Setting a battery charge threshold can help to extend the life of your laptop's battery and you can consider this as another optimation option per the previous article.
Tips & Tricks

How to Get Started With Amazon Alexa Routines: A Beginner's Guide
Image from MUO
If you have an Amazon Echo device and are unsure about what you can do with the routines feature then the linked article will be a great place to start. These routines can be very useful.
FAQ of the Week

USB-C vs. USB 3: What Is the Difference Between Them?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the difference between USB-C and USB 3.
The primary distinction between USB-C and USB 3 is that one is a type of USB connector, while the other is a speed standard for USB cables in general.
USB-C refers to a type of physical connection on modern devices. It's a thin, elongated oval-shaped connecter that is reversible. Some devices use it instead of older USB-A connectors or micro-USB ports.
Conversely, USB 3 is a standard for USB devices. It dictates how fast you can transfer data over a USB cable, compared to older and newer standards.
We've received several questions related to this and while all the terms, names, standards, etc. can be confusing we are here to help sort through all of this for you or with you. If you would like to take a deeper dive on this topic then check out the linked article.