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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Cyber Security

9 Signs Your Social Media Accounts Have Been Hacked
Image from MUO
Many of us use social media every day. Whether it is for business or personal use it has become part of our daily lives and, in many cases, our identity. When our social media accounts get hacked we can suffer greatly. A hacked account can potentially ruin a reputation or even a business. It is important to know how to recognize if your account has been hacked and what to do about it. Check out the linked article to learn about the signs of a hacked account and how to avoid it from happening.

Why Installing an Antivirus Suite Isn't Enough
Image from MUO
Antivirus can protect you from many threats but there are many others it doesn't know about or can't stop. Other threats such as phishing attacks, malvertising, and browser-based attacks are some of the items antivirus software cannot protect against. You need to use other tools alongside your antivirus software to have a robust suite of tools protecting you from threats. Check out the linked article for full details.

The Best Way to Clean Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image from MUO
Keeping your Windows system clean is important and there is no better time to do so than springtime. You are spring cleaning your house, aren't you? Cleaning up Windows isn't very complicated. There are many built-in tools you can use as well as third-party tools. Other tasks you can do should be routine, such as removing files you no longer need (including large files), especially in your downloads folder. Check out the linked article for some initial guidance on this process.

5 Recycle Bin Settings on Windows 11 You Should Know About
Image from MUO
As you are deleting files (hopefully from spring cleaning your computer) you will want to ensure that you have optimized Windows' Recycle Bin to work the way you want. This process is simple and is outlined in the linked article.

The 5 Best Disk Cleaning Tools for Windows 10
Image from MUO
If you find that the built-in Windows tools just are not doing as good a job as you hoped for you can always turn to third-party tools. Many of these tools can simplify the cleaning process. Just be sure you are using reputable and trusted tools. The linked article has some great recommendations. One of my favorite tools from the list is CCleaner.

Trading In Your iPhone? Here Are 9 Reasons to Trade In With Apple
Image from MUO
If you are an iPhone user and are looking for a good option to trade in your old iPhone you should consider Apple's trade-in program. Price isn't the only factor you should consider. There are many other benefits that are offered through Apple's program. Check out the linked article for full details.
Tips & Tricks

How to Change Your IP Address Quickly and Easily
Image from MUO
Your IP address is your digital address where you can be found online. Why would you need to change it? There are several reasons from safety and privacy concerns to bypassing geo-blocks. If you have a need to do so the linked article has steps on how to accomplish this task.
Useful Information

How Does Bluetooth Actually Work?
Image from MUO
While Bluetooth is a wireless technology similar to wifi it works a bit differently.
Bluetooth is a short-range, low-power radio transmission technology.
Being short-range Bluetooth cannot work over larger distances like wifi. It is primarily used to connect devices together that are in close proximity without the need for any cables. For a more in-depth description on Bluetooth check out the linked article.

5 Signs It's Time to Calibrate Your Monitor
Image from MUO
Does your monitor seem off, like it isn't displaying correctly? Your monitor might need to be calibrated. Check out the linked article for examples of potential issues with a monitor that requires calibration and how to calibrate it.
FAQ of the Week

How Long Should a New PC Actually Last?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how long a new computer should last. This is a question we get on a regular basis.
This is going to depend on many factors but generally we expect to see an average of 4-5 years for a desktop and an average of 3-4 years for a laptop. This will vary depending on the quality of the system and the brand. Other factors that will affect the lifespan will be the environment in which the system is operated. If regular maintenance is performed you can expect to extend the life of the system as well.