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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Why PC Hardware Prices Are Set to Rise Again in 2022
Image from MUO
If you are looking to buy a new computer or computer parts (including used), you can expect to pay a higher price. Due to price increases from the manufacturers, chip shortages, shipping delays, etc. prices will continue to rise and stay high for some time. Plan ahead if you can and continue to perform regular maintenance on your existing system to keep it running its best for as long as possible.
Cyber Security

11 Signs a Website Might Be Untrustworthy
Image from MUO
The last couple of years has brought an increase in cyber threats. They are not going away and they are not limited to just what you do on your computer. Websites can be compromised as well and you can even be led to fake sites and not even realize it. Check out the linked article to learn how to spot a compromised or bad website.

Top 5 Cloud Security Data Breaches in Recent Years
Image from MUO
Learning from past cybersecurity breaches can help you take the right actions to protect yourself and your data. Check out the linked article to read about some of the top breaches and what we learned from them. There are some great tips you can use to ensure you are protecting your business.

Grab a $14 Windows 10 Lifetime License and $26 Microsoft Office for New Year
Image from MUO
You may not be aware but there are several sites out there that can help you get discounted software including licenses to Microsoft Windows and Office. Always do your research before making a purchase. You need to ensure these are legitimate licenses and the vendor has a refund policy in place that will help you if the license is deemed invalid. Many of these vendors are able to offer such low prices as they buy the licenses in bulk or they come from other companies who purchased a surplus of licenses.
Why consider buying a lifetime license? Windows licensing is already considered a lifetime license but these sites can help you get the license at a reduced cost. We can also expect to see licenses for Windows 11 as well in time. This is also a great deal for the Microsoft Office licensing if you do not want to sign up for a personal Office 365 subscription and pay a monthly or yearly fee.

Windows 11's First Major Update Arrives Soon: Here's What's Coming
Image from Gizmodo
Windows 11 is about to get its first major update. We will finally get the ability to run Andriod apps on Windows, there will be improvements to the taskbar, and additional Windows apps will get a facelift to match the recent changes to other Windows apps. Check out the linked article for full details.

Why You Need to Install iOS 15.3 Right Now
Image from MUO
Apple's latest round of iOS updates includes some major security fixes. If you are using an iOS device you need to install this update ASAP.
Updates were released for iPhone, iPad, and Mac that all patch major security flaws.

6 Android Cleaner Apps That Really Clean Up Your Device (No Placebos!)
Image from MUO
The Android app ecosystem is plagued with many malware-laden apps which can make it hard to know which app will actually do what it claims without causing any harm. The linked article lists 6 useful apps that can help clean your Android device. If you need help cleaning your device then the listed apps can be of assistance to you.
Useful Information

Is It Bad to Leave Your PC on All the Time? The Pros and Cons
Image from MUO
There is an ongoing debate about leaving your computer on all the time. Ultimately what you do will depend on your situation and the limitation of your hardware. We've covered some of this in past issues but the linked article will help guide you through the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.

6 Ways 5G is Already Changing the World
Image from MUO
5G has been around for a few years now but has only been in its infancy. As it continues to improve it is having more of an impact. Check out the linked article to see how 5G is already changing the world.
FAQ of the Week

Sleep vs. Shutdown: What's Best for Your Laptop?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at whether you should put your computer to sleep or shut it down.
When you put your computer to sleep all active tasks are saved to the computer's short-term memory and the computer enters a low power state and the screen goes blank.
When you shut down the computer all active tasks are terminated, the short-term memory is cleared, and the computer powers off.
When resuming from sleep the computer will return to its previous state quickly but from a shutdown state, the computer needs to boot, load the operating system, load initial applications, and load the required services. Once the boot process is complete the computer will be in a fresh state ready for use.
So which option is best? It depends. If you plan to have regular intervals of work on the system you can put it to sleep. If you will not be using it for an extended period of time it would be best to shut it down.