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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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FCC proposes mandatory labels that clearly explain broadband services
Image from Engadget
If you have ever been confused or unsure of what you would get with your internet service things are about to become clearer for you. Just like there are nutritional labels on food the FCC is proposing a mandate that would require all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to implement similar labels to let consumers know what they will pay, the speeds they will get, along with information on any data caps and other policies.
Why does this matter? It will help you make a more informed choice when choosing your internet provider where you have choices. If you don't have a choice or limited options it will help you better understand what you can expect.
Cyber Security

3 Great Alternatives to Using a VPN
Image from MUO
What is a VPN? Learn more here.
We've covered VPNs in some of our previous issues. While they are a great option, especially on the go, they are not the only option available for security and privacy. Some of these alternatives provide some of the benefits of a VPN without all of the security which can lead to a faster connection if you don't need some of the privacy features. Check out the linked article for full details.

Microsoft Is Finally Ready to Release the Long-Awaited "One Outlook"
Image from MUO
Microsoft is planning to start releasing its unified Outlook client this year. The updated look of Outlook will match that of the web client. This will bring uniformity to your email regardless of where you access it. However, if you've not spent a lot of time using the web version this change may be a bit jarring at first. Until the unified app makes it out to the public we will not know for sure if this was a smart decision by Microsoft. Check out the linked article for more information and to see a screenshot of the unified Outlook interface.

Meet the new ways Microsoft will add features to Windows 11
Image from PCWorld
Currently, Windows 10 & 11 users are used to getting major feature updates twice a year. Moving forward Microsoft will be changing how it releases updates to Windows.
Here is Microsoft's new outline of how it will provide updates to Windows:
- Yearly Feature Updates (down to 1 from 2)
- Feature Experience Packs
- Web Experience Packs
- Online Service Experience Packs
Checked out the linked article for details on these changes and what each new update format will deliver. What are your thoughts about this change?

How to Do More With Windows 10 and 11 Using PowerToys
Image from MUO
PowerToys is a collection of free utilities for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that aims to streamline the Windows experience for greater productivity.
PowerToys utilities will allow you to extend or enhance the functionality of Windows. Here are the current utilities included in PowerToys:
- Always On Top
- Awake
- Color Picker
- FancyZones
- File Explorer Add-ons
- Image Resizer
- Keyboard Manager
- Mouse Utilities
- PowerRename
- PowerToys Run
- Shortcut Guide
- Video Conference Mute
Check out the linked article to get a description of each utility and how to download PowerToys to Windows.

How to Keep iMessage From Filling Up Your iPhone and iCloud
Image from Lifehacker
If you find that you are running out of space on your iPhone or iCloud account it could be because you have too much data stored within your iMessage. What data could be using all the space? Any photos, videos, or other media you've sent or received is what takes up the most space. There are options available that will help keep the data usage in check. You can get all the details from the linked article.

How to Switch From HEIC to JPEG Photos on an iPhone or iPad
Image from MUO
If you've ever had an issue viewing or sharing photos from your iPhone or iPad it could be because the current default is to use Apple's HEIC format. Adoption of this newer format is growing but there still isn't universal support for it. You still have the option to change the default back to JPEG. Check out the linked article to learn how to change this in your device's settings.
Tips & Tricks

The 5 Best Tips to Manage Your Digital Space for Higher Efficiency
Image from MUO
Just like you manage/organize your physical space to maximize your productivity/efficiency you need to do the same with your digital space. Your digital space is anything that displays on your screen as well as any online space used for work.
What are the benefits?
- Improved Efficiency and Productivity
- Free Up Time
- Maintain Focus
Tips to manage your digital space.
- Create Different Folders for Different Purposes / On your computer create virtual desktops for different purposes or tasks (Operating System function)
- Make Use of the Favorites Option
- Delete Content You No Longer Need
- Back Up Your Data
- Keep Your Inbox Clean
Check out the linked article for full details.
Useful Information

Have a Dead Pixel on Your TV or Monitor? Here's What That Means
Image from MUO
Have you ever gotten a new TV or monitor and noticed a spot that wasn't working? This is a dead pixel.
A dead pixel is a name for a mechanical fault that can develop on TVs and monitors. For example, if you notice a small black dot on your TV or monitor screen, then you've found a dead pixel. This happens because power is no longer going to that pixel in question. As power is required for a pixel to show colors (even white), that pixel displays as black like it does when your display isn't powered on at all.
This can also happen to a screen you've had for some time as well. If your device is new and/or still covered by a warranty you should check to see if the warranty covers any dead pixels.
FAQ of the Week

JPEG, GIF, or PNG? Image Filetypes Explained and Tested
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the most common image filetypes.
Each of these file types has its purposes and scenarios where one will be better than the other. There are other times where they can be interchanged as the type used will not matter. This topic is best left to the linked article for a description this week as there is a fair amount to review. There are also images to help illustrate the differences.