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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Cyber Security

What Is IP Spoofing and What Is It Used For?
Image from MUO
IP spoofing is an attack where the attacker hides the source of IP packets. This causes the target of an attack to believe that they are receiving traffic from a different source.
This is a method hackers use to fake an IP address. This kind of attack can cause many issues but the good news is there are ways to prevent these attacks. Many of the methods to prevent the attacks should be part of the network security you already employ. Check with your IT provider to confirm if your network is protected against IP spoofing. Check out the linked article for additional details.

3 Ways to Block Your Number and Hide Your Caller ID on iPhone or Android
Image from MUO
Did you know that you could easily block your number or caller ID? Why would you want to do this? There can be a situation where you need to call someone or a business but don't want them to get your number. Maybe you need to make a work call from your personal number, etc. Just keep in mind many people may not answer a blocked number or unknown caller. Check out the linked article to learn how to block your number.

5 of the Biggest Windows 11 Issues Microsoft Needs to Fix
Image from MUO
It is still early days for Windows 11. I started testing Windows 11 over a week ago and have found it very usable but there are still a few quirks that may give you pause. Many items have been moved around and there is a new look to Windows 11. Based on what I've seen and experienced I would recommend waiting just a bit longer before upgrading. If you do want to upgrade take some time and do a bit of research first to know what to expect.
You can also check out our new video series where we are looking at the Windows 11 upgrade process and taking a deep dive into Windows 11.

Neglecting These 5 Things Can Slow Down Your Windows 10 PC
Image from MUO
In order to keep your PC running at its best, you need to perform regular checks and maintenance on it, similar to a car. This involves things such as cleaning out temp files, managing disk space, selecting the right applications, and more. Check out the linked article for some things that can slow down your PC and what you can do about them.
Tips & Tricks

How to Fix an Overheating Laptop: 3 Key Tips and Solutions
Image from MUO
Heat is your laptop's enemy. Excess heat will degrade the internal components quicker and even cause your laptop to crash or fail. There can be many reasons why your laptop overheats. With some basic monitoring, maintenance, and care you can keep your laptop from overheating. Check out the linked article to learn how you can help prevent your laptop from overheating.

5 Things You Should Consider When Buying An SSD
Image from MUO
When you need to buy a new SSD or Solid State Drive there are several factors to consider. You cannot just pick anyone off of the shelf. You need to look at:
- Pricing
- Physical Specifications
- Performance
- Storage Capacity
- Longevity
The linked article has a lot of useful information to help you figure out how to find the right SSD for your needs.
Useful Information

This Is How Often You Should Be Rebooting Your Router
Image from Reder's Digest
There are many benefits to rebooting your router. The most obvious is keeping your connection running at the best speed possible.
But restarting your router is about more than just getting a speedier connection for online shopping. It’s also a way to prevent yourself from being hacked.
There are many things that can affect the performance of your router and a reboot will help address these items. Check out the linked article for full details.

What Is a Gateway and Should You Use One for Your Home Internet?
Image from MUO
When you set up internet service with your Internet Service Provider, ISP, they typically give you a gateway.
The gateway combines the entry-point for internet connections with the distribution point, meaning that you no longer need a dedicated modem and a dedicated router.
In most cases, we advise you to at least have your own router and to put the gateway into what is called bridge mode so it just functions as a modem. In some cases, this may not be possible. Why do we recommend this? There are two reasons:
- You will have more control over how all of your internet/network traffic is routed into and out of your network.
- We've never seen any ISP gateway provide the same connection speed over the wireless network, through the gateway, that is provided over the incoming wired connection. 100% of the time this has only been achieved by having your own wireless router.
We deal with this all the time and know there are always questions on this topic. Please do reach out if you need any assistance with your setup.

What Can I Do When My Hard Drive Makes Unusual Noises?
Image from MUO
Hard drives have mechanical components which will fail. When they do they will typically start to make unusual noises. You can also hear some noises during general use. Always have the expectation that the drive will fail. Rarely will a drive fail early on but it does happen. You need to be prepared for when the drive does fail or begins to have degraded performance. You should have a backup solution in place from day 1 to ensure your data is protected.
Check out the linked article to learn more about what to look out for to know if your hard drive may be failing and what you can do.
FAQ of the Week

8 Ways to Browse the Web Anonymously
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how you can be more anonymous online to protect your privacy.
Today there is so much online tracking and cybercriminal activity that we want to be less visible. There are several ways to do this such as adjusting privacy settings in various apps and services to using VPNs and private search engines.
Check out the linked article for a list of ways to be more anonymous online and how to accomplish it.