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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Why Your BlackBerry OS Device No Longer Works
Image from MUO
If you still have a BlackBerry phone with BlackBerry OS then your phone as of January 4, 2022 no longer works. The legacy service for the OS was shut down. Newer BlackBerry phones that run off of Android will continue to function. If you've been actively using a BlackBerry OS device then it is time to find a new phone. If you have an old one lying around somewhere it has become a glorified paperweight. You should consider trading in or recycling the old devices if you are able. Don't forget to wipe any data off of the device before you get rid of it.

MUO Awards: Best of CES 2022
Image from MUO
The Consumer Electronics Show is an annual event held every year in January. CES is where many companies, primarily tech or tech-related, will come to show off new products, beta products, and concepts & ideas. Many companies will also make major announcements as well about upcoming products.
For a full rundown of this year's CES, you can find additional information here
Cyber Security

How Often Are Social Media Accounts Hacked?
Image from MUO
Like any other account, your social media accounts can be vulnerable to hacks. This can happen at any time and without warning. It is important to know what can make you more of a target, the risks of a hack, how to deal with being hacked, and how to prevent it from happening to you. Check out the linked article for full details.

A Complete Guide to Updating Your Mac's Software
Image from MUO
Macs, like other systems, require regular updates. These updates can be for both the OS and apps installed on the system. Check out the linked article for a full guide on this process.

Your Phone Is Secretly Always Recording: How to Stop Google From Listening
Image from MUO
If you use an Android phone you will want to check out this linked article to see how much your phone is actually listening and recording you. You will also learn how you can stop your phone from listening to you.
If you are more privacy-conscious then you will want to consider making this change.
Tips & Tricks

Everything You Need to Do After Buying a New Laptop or PC
Image from MUO
When you get a new computer there are several steps you need to take to get it set up and ready for daily use. Some of the items include:
- Installing updates
- Installing your apps
- Setting up the hardware and peripheral devices
- Configuring system and app settings
- Loading your data
For full details check out the linked article and listen to the attached podcast.

Learn How to Improve Internet Speed With These 8 Tricks
Image from MUO
If you have a slow internet connection there can be many reasons why that range from your internet service provider, the plan you have, to your network setup, and even your device's configuration. The linked article provides some great tips for getting started with improving your speed. However, there may be some situations that require a professional to step in and help. Don't stress if you are still having issues after trying the tips in the linked article.

How to Tell if Your Computer Has a Virus
Image from MUO
Even with a good anti-virus program, it is still possible for your computer to become infected. Always remember that nothing will provide 100% protection. Knowing this it is important to be able to recognize if your computer has become infected. Some signs include:
- Slow performance
- Unusual pop-ups
- Unwanted programs or toolbars
- Disappearing files
- Antivirus not working
- Spam
You can reduce the chances of getting a virus by doing the following:
- Don't click on links you don't recognize
- Don't open emails or attachments from unknown senders
- Keep your system and apps up-to-date
- Use unique and strong passwords
For full details check out the linked article.
Useful Information

Why Charging Your Phone Overnight Is Bad
Image from MUO
In past issues, we've covered various items related to charging your phone. This linked article provides some additional and useful information. Many phones, such as the iPhone, have a feature that will only charge the phone's battery to 80% until just before the device may be used. This feature is designed to help preserve battery life. But not all phones have this feature and it is important to know what the best practices are for prolonging the life of your phone's battery. Check out the linked article for full details.
FAQ of the Week

How Does a Computer Work and What Is Inside?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how a computer works. We know everyone wonders about this and over the years we've had several similar questions about this.
At the most basic level, a computer processes an input to produce a desired output. There are four steps in which a computer works:
- Input
- Storage
- Processing
- Output
This is achieved through a combination of hardware and software that work together. Check out the linked article for a more in-depth look at the process.