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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Windows 11 gets a launch date. It's surprisingly soon
Image (screenshot) from CNN Business
The Windows 11 release begins on October 5th.
After many months we now know when Windows 11 will be released. Not everyone will get the update at once. Those with newer devices will get the update first with all other eligible users following after by mid-2022. Since Windows 10 will be supported through October 2025 we believe the Windows 11 update will be optional. Since the update is free it may be worth considering taking the update as it will be an iterative release and not a major overhaul of the OS. The biggest change you will see is the visual design.
Cyber Security

Latest Email Scam Targets Gmail, Outlook Users: How to Avoid this Vishing Attack?
Image from Tech Times
If you use any free online email service you should take notice of this latest scam.
What is it? Users are receiving emails that appear to be from major companies. However, the emails were anonymously sent and the scammer is informing the victim that they had already completed a purchase on their account. What makes this different is the scammer is getting victims to call a number to collect personal and sensitive information.
Keep in mind that a legitimate company will never email or call you asking for personal information. If anything seems suspicious you should never click a link or call a number if you do not know where it will take you. Go directly to the company's website to find their actual number and call them direct if you have any concerns. You can also log into your account from the company's website to check if there were actually any purchases made. You can also confirm if the email is a scam by checking the email address of the sender to see if it actually came from the company.
Always do your due diligence and don't ever assume an email is telling you the truth if you were not expecting it.

8 Ways to Delete Your Metadata Before Sharing Your Files
Image from MUO
What is Metadata? Check out this definition from TechTerms.
Metadata can contain data that can include private information about you that you don't want others to have. You may know you can check a file's properties to get information such as the size of the file or the dimensions of an image. These are examples of Metadata. Other types of metadata can include author information on a document such as your name and email address as well as location information on images.
Metadata is not private information and anyone with access to a file can access any associated metadata.
Some of this information can be easily accessed and removed or changed. The easiest method though is to use a tool designed to help remove all of a file's metadata. Check out the linked article for a list of some of the tools available.

Here's Your Windows 11 Upgrade Guide
Image from Gizmodo
While we still have about a month before Windows 11 is released you should begin to prepare for the new version of Windows if you are planning to upgrade. Here are some things you should do:
- Make sure your system will be supported on Windows 11. Don't go through all the effort if you will not be able to upgrade your system.
- Be sure you have a working backup in place for your files. While ample testing is done by Microsoft on the upgrade process there is always a chance something can go wrong. Do not risk losing your files because you did not have a backup.
- Check your installed applications to ensure they will run on Windows 11. Will any of them need to be upgraded first? If they will not run on Windows 11 are there alternative applications you can use?
- Have a rollback plan in place if you find Windows 11 is not working for you as you would expect.
We've covered a lot about Windows 11 in past issues of our newsletter. Consider reviewing those articles as a recap and keep up to date with the latest news from Microsoft as well.

Will Your Windows 10 Apps Work on Windows 11?
Image from MUO
Overall, most if not all Windows 10 apps will work on Windows 11. If there is an application you rely on you should check the vendor's website or reach out to their support team to get confirmation. We've also covered in a previous issue some Windows 10 bundled apps that will not be included by default in Windows 11 but will still be available via the Windows Store.
Tips & Tricks

The Fastest Way to Clear Your Recent Browsing History in Every Browser
Image from Lifehacker
When you are browsing the web you may not want your history to be kept for one reason or another. You could be using a public computer, a friend or family member's computer, or performing some sensitive research that you'd rather not have others know about. For these reasons it is important to know how to clear your browsing history. Check out the linked article for steps on how to clear your recent history.
If you need to clear all your history then check out this article.

8 Formatting Tips for Perfect Tables in Microsoft Word
Image from MUO
If you've ever had to create and format a table in Microsoft Word you may have discovered that getting it formatted just right can be a difficult task at times. This linked article will help you master the use of tables in Word.

How to Create Powerful Graphs and Charts in Microsoft Excel
Image from MUO
The counterpart to creating tables in Word has to be creating graphs and charts in Microsoft Excel. We've all had to make at least one at some point or another and making them look great can also be tricky at times. The linked article will help you master creating powerful graphs and charts in Excel.
Useful Information

What Does the Dark Web Look Like?
Image from MUO
The Dark Web is a part of the deep web. The Dark Web consists of sites that are not indexed by web search engines. In order to access sites on the Dark Web you will need special software and configurations. Once on a site from the Dark Web it should look and behave like most any other site with a few exceptions. The Dark Web has a focus on privacy and anonymity. Most Dark Web activity is not malicious but it gets the reputation as part of the deeper web where a lot of malicious activity does occur.
FAQ of the Week

How to Fix an Overheating Computer
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how to deal with and fix an overheating computer.
There are many reasons why a computer can overheat but the main culprit is dust. It is important to keep your computer clean as well as the area in which it resides. You can use compressed air to help keep your computer clean. Another common cause is lack of airflow. Most computers rely on pulling in cooler air into the case of the computer to keep the system cool. If the computer's fans are blocked or obstructed the computer will not stay cool. A computer will also heat up if you overtax the system by trying to perform too many actions at once.
There are several other actions that can be taken from adjusting computer settings to better climate control. The most important step is to first determine the cause of the temp increase and then take steps to mitigate the issue.