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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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LG Shows Off Foldable Plastic Display That Promises to Be as Hard as Glass
Image from Gizmodo
Foldable phones have become a popular choice for many who want to have the best of a smaller phone with a larger screen. Currently, the foldable screen tech is still young and needs to mature more before we will see more adoption and better use of the foldable screen. However, we are seeing many advancements and new technologies coming out that will make this more mainstream and more robust. The latest development comes from LG with a foldable plastic display that promises to be as hard as glass. This tech will also be extended to other devices such as laptops and tablets.
This is an exciting time to see this new tech develop. We will continue to follow these developments and bring updates as they are available.
Cyber Security

50+ Security Tips to Protect Yourself When Browsing Online
Image from MUO
We've talked a lot about security and ways to keep yourself safe in our newsletter. Today we want to share a great resource that has compiled over 50 security tips to keep you safe while browsing online. Check out the linked article to view the list of tips.

Hackers Can Now Attack Your Devices Using New Bluetooth Vulnerabilities
Image from Fossbytes
What is Bluetooth? Check out this definition from TechTerms.
There is currently a Bluetooth vulnerability that is affecting a subset of devices that contain System-on-Chip boards from several popular vendors. In total, nearly a billion devices have been affected by this vulnerability. You can find a list of affected devices in the linked article.
You will need to see if the vendor has released an updated to patch the vulnerability and if they haven't you can disable Bluetooth for your device to prevent a possible hack. An attacker would need to be within radio range of the Bluetooth device to take advantage of the vulnerability. The radio range for Bluetooth is relatively short at approximately 30 feet.

Is Microsoft 365 Actually a Security Risk?
Image from MUO
Anything in the cloud is potentially at risk. When vendors, such as Microsoft, provide ample security settings to protect your online environment you should take advantage of those protections. Microsoft already takes several steps to secure your data but leaves many of the additional security settings up to their customers to set in order to further secure their Microsoft 365 environments.
Overall Microsoft 365 is a secured system. Many of the potential vulnerabilities will be in how you access the system and its data. Check out the linked article for additional details.

Why You Shouldn't Use an Old Version of Windows
Image from MUO
Using any old and unsupported software comes with risks. The biggest risk of using an old version of Windows is the lack of security updates and support. I cannot stress enough how dangerous this can be. Typically when a new vulnerability is discovered it can be easily exploited because it will not be patched. It is possible for any exploits via the Windows operating system could potentially bypass other security measures such as anti-virus software on the system.
Over time you will run into other issues where applications can no longer be updated and newer applications will not support the older operating system. Ultimately your best bet would be to upgrade the operating system if the hardware will support it or buy a new computer with the latest version of Windows.

7 Easy Windows 10 Tweaks That'll Make Your PC Feel Like Home
Image from MUO
Even though Windows 11 will be released in less than a month most users will not be able to upgrade until 2022 if at all. Others will choose not to upgrade. Whatever the reason is that you will be remaining on Windows 10 you may want to perform some tweaks to make it feel more like home. Windows 10 will still be supported through 2025 which gives you 4 more years of supported use. Check out the linked article to learn about some of the ways you can tweak Windows 10.

How to Stream the September 14th Apple Event (and What to Expect)
Image from Lifehacker
Today will be Apple's fall event where we can expect the newest iPhones to be announced. If you like to keep up with the latest from Apple or are planning to get the new iPhone you will want to watch the live stream in a few hours to see Apple's latest round of hardware. Information on how to watch is listed in the linked article.

How to Organize All Your iCloud Photos
Image from Lifehacker
This is a question that we get asked fairly often. There are multiple ways to organize all your photos and this article (with video) will cover how to do this specifically with iCloud.
Useful Information

8 Things to Consider Before Buying Refurbished Devices
Image from MUO
When it is time to buy a new device a consideration is usually given to going with a refurbished device.
A refurbished device is a product that's been used by a previous owner. What separates refurbished devices from plain-old used devices is the fact that refurbished devices have some restorative work done to them.
One of the main reasons is to save money as many tech devices can be pricey. There are many factors that have to be considered when looking at a refurbished device. Check out the linked article for the 8 things to consider before buying a refurbished device.
FAQ of the Week

How to Uninstall Hidden and Stubborn Software on Windows 10
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at removing software from Windows 10 that may be more difficult to remove.
We've all had to deal with a piece of software at one point or another that just did not want to uninstall from Windows. Most everyone knows you can go to the Control Panel and uninstall applications from there but what happens when that doesn't work? Windows provides multiple ways to uninstall software. You can go to the Start Menu, right-click an item and select the uninstall option. There are still additional methods through Windows.
If any of the Windows options are not working there may be a default program uninstaller you can use that either was added to the system when the program was installed or can be downloaded from the vendor's website. There are also many third-party uninstall tools available as well.
For full details check out the linked article.