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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Ransomware Hackers Reportedly Targeted 3 Different U.S. Water Facilities This Year Alone
Image from Gizmodo
Ransomware will show up wherever cybercriminals can deploy it. This year, in 2021, there has been a trend to hit critical infrastructure, such as water facilities and gas distribution. While these are the types of events that might make the news cycle, you generally will not hear about the numerous attacks that are affecting small businesses and even individuals and families at home.
If the past couple of years have taught us anything it is this: Cyber threats are consistently increasing and are getting more ambitious in their attacks. It has become extremely important to have a robust set of cybersecurity layers to protect your systems and data. Just as important is the need for continued cyber security training and education to help protect against the human element, people.
Continued vigilance is key.
Cyber Security

New TikTok Scam Offers Free Steam Games: What to Watch Out For
Image from MUO
If something is too good to be true then it likely is. Don't believe everything you see online. Scams are plentiful both online and offline. This TikTok scam is just that, too good to be true. If you have friends or family members who are users of TikTok please take a few minutes to ensure they are aware of this current scam.
Many online scams will try to extort money or information from you. In the case of this TikTok scam, they want you to go to a site to infect your system with malware.

Are Facebook Messenger Secret Conversations Really Secure?
Image from MUO
The general rule with any online communication is to assume that it is not secure. We know with big tech companies, such as Facebook, that it is all about you and your data. You are the product and these companies generally don't care about your privacy, with some exceptions.
If you want to have a private or confidential conversation you need to consider more offline options, such as a phone call or meeting in person. Anything done online has the potential to become public.

Psst! 1Password Now Lets You Share Passwords With Just a Link
Image from MUO
Everyone should be using a password manager. However, not everyone is. 1Password has released a new feature that will allow you to securely share a password. Check out the linked article for more information.

Why You Should Blur Your House on Google Street View (and How)
Image from MUO
For the more privacy-conscious you can now blur your house on Google Street View. Even if you are not as concerned there are many reasons why you may want to do this. Check out the linked article to learn about the benefits of blurring your house on Google Street View and how to do it.

Can Smart Assistants Be Hacked?
Image from MUO
Regardless of the included security features, any device that is connected to the internet has the potential to be hacked. There are offline ways a smart assistant can be hacked as well and it isn't something you would expect. There are steps you can take to protect against these offline hacks as well. Check out the linked article for full details.

The 3 Best Windows 10 Password Reset Tools
Image from MUO
While this can be considered a cybersecurity issue it can also be very useful for a legitimate situation. These methods typically require physical access to the computer and the use of some external media such as a disk or USB drive.
Hopefully, you don't find yourself in a situation where you need to recover a Windows login password. You can also take steps to prevent this need by securely storing your Windows login password in a password manager.
Tips & Tricks

How to Track A Stolen Device Through Dropbox
Image from MUO
If you are a Dropbox user there may be a use case you've never considered for Dropbox, using it to track a stolen device. This requires having the Dropbox application installed on the device and signed into your Dropbox account. This can be a good place to start if there is no other way to track the device. Check out the linked article for full details.
Useful Information

Can You Delete Yourself From the Internet? Yes - Here's How
Image from MUO
Those who are extra focused on their privacy can take action to limit their online presence. It is almost impossible to completely remove your online presence but you can take some significant steps to limit it. Even you are not as concerned there are other benefits you may not have considered. The biggest is your reduced risk of exposure to a cyber-attack or your data being compromised.
FAQ of the Week

5 PC Parts That Tend to Die: How to Extend Their Lifespans
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the lifespan of various computer components.
The 5 parts that tend to die are:
- Motherboards
- Data Drives (hard drives)
- RAM (memory)
- Power Supply Units
- Cooling Fans
All these parts are always in constant use while the system is on. The most common part we've had to replace is the hard drive. The hard drive has moving parts and over time they wear out. The more they are used the sooner they will wear out. When the hard drive or any data drive dies there is a chance for data loss so it is important to have a good backup system in place.
Check out the linked article for full details on the data drives and the other components.