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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Hackers Have Been Using a Rootkit That Somehow Got Microsoft's Digital Seal of Approval
Image from Gizmodo
What is a rootkit? See this definition from TechTerms.
A rootkit is a software program designed to provide a user with administrator access to a computer without being detected. Rootkits are considered one of the most serious types of malware since they may be used to gain unauthorized access to remote systems and perform malicious operations.
While this incident is concerning another company noticed the issue and contacted Microsoft and had the rootkit's signature revoked. This is not normal and what we can take away from this is there are always others checking on things. Just because a company gives a piece of software its seal of approval does not always mean it is good software. Don't ever take something at face value. Always research any new piece of tech or software before implementing it.
Cyber Security

Will Biometric Technology Replace Passwords?
Image from MUO
As the name suggests, biometric technology refers to tech that identifies you through biology in some way.
While we are using biometrics more and more we are not yet to the point where they can replace our passwords. Like anything else, there are security risks to using some biometric technologies. Expect to see more use of biometrics in combination with more traditional methods. This will provide an even more secure form of multifactor authentication.
Combining traditional measures with modern biometric technology is the best way to prevent others from using your smart devices without permission.
Check out the linked article for additional details.

Surfshark Names the Websites Tracking Your Every Move (and Those That Aren't)
Image from MUO
By now you should know that every site is tracking you, whether it is a lot or a little. Tracking is used to know how you use the site, what ads to show you, and what actions you've taken. There are companies that are well known for tracking your online activities as well as others who may surprise you.
There are steps you can take to reduce the amount of tracking on you or even anonymize your tracking data. One of the main ways to do this is to install a privacy extension for your browser. We use the uBlock Origin browser extension for this purpose.
Not sure how to add an extension? Here are instructions for Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.

Why You Shouldn't Use an Old Version of Windows
Image from MUO
One of the main reasons for not using an old version of Windows is security. When Microsoft makes a version of Windows end-of-life, they stop supporting the operating system and will no longer release security updates or fix newly discovered issues.
The "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mantra doesn't apply to computers.
Another issue you will encounter with older versions is compatibility issues with new software applications. Many newer applications may not be able to run on the older versions of Windows. You could also run into an issue when updating existing applications as the newer versions may not function properly on the older versions of Windows.
Check out the linked article for additional details.

What Is the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), and How Do You Use It?
Image from MUO
The Microsoft Management Console is where you can change and adjust many of the administrative settings in Windows along with other functions. You will also be able to access many of the Windows utilities as well. Check out the article to learn how to access and use the MMC.

Does Your iPhone Need Third-Party Security Apps?
Image from MUO
The short and simple answer is no. Apple is a very privacy-focused and security-focused company and they have built-in many features to help protect your privacy and security. Many of the third-party apps replicate functions that already exist on your iPhone. If you do come across an app that you believe could be useful to have you should first learn what it actually does and compare it to what Apple's iOS software already does.
Tips & Tricks

Why Is Your Phone Storage Always Full? 6 Ways to Make Space
Image from MUO
This is a question we see a lot as people run out of space on their phones. You should first look at all the content you've added to your phone. You may find some apps you no longer use that you can remove, files you no longer need, etc. It is possible to recover space on your phone. Check out the linked article for full details.
WARNING: If you use an authenticator app, such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator, do not delete the "Authenticator App" even to free up space. Removing these apps will cause you to lose any authentication method setup and will prevent you from accessing the associated account that was using the multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.

5 Ways to Clean Up Computer Cable Clutter Under Your Desk
Image from MUO
Cable clutter is something everyone has to deal with at one point or another. There are some simple ways to deal with the clutter of cables. Check out the linked article for some inspiration on how to tackle it.
Useful Information

How to Spot Fake News With This Handy Tool
Image from MUO
Fake news has become a problem. It has also become important to know how to spot it and to help teach others to do so as well. Check out the linked article to learn how to spot fake news.
FAQ of the Week

Is That PayPal Email Genuine or Phishing?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how to identify a phishing email.
The specific example we will use is PayPal but the process is the same for any phishing email. Here are the items you want to check.
- Email Address - Check to see if the email address came from where the sender claims. It is very easy to set any display name to anything you want but the email address is the tell-all.
- Check Links - You can hover over any link to see where the link will actually take you. Make sure the website address will actually go to where the email claims it will.
- Spelling - Many phishing emails have misspellings that can be easily overlooked. Does this word look right? Passowrd
These are some of the most common signs of a phishing email but there are other indicators as well. Check out the linked article for more details and to learn more about phishing emails and the specific PayPal example.