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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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T-Mobile Investigates Hacker's Claims of a Huge Data Breach
Image from MUO
If you are a T-Mobile customer or have been a T-Mobile customer you will want to keep an eye on your information as it may have been compromised. The best course of action would be to ensure you have identity monitoring so you will know when your information is used or even discovered in unexpected places. Another action you can take is to freeze your credit reports to prevent any accounts from being opened in your name, just don't forget to unfreeze them when you need to open an account.
Always be vigilant and only give out the minimum information required for anything, especially online. Never assume your information is safe and keep a constant eye on your information so you can take immediate action should something happen.
Cyber Security

The 5 Biggest Ransomware Attacks of 2021 (So Far!)
Image from MUO
Ransomware is a big problem that will not be going away. In fact, ransomware attacks have increased significantly over the last couple of years.
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts users' data and locks them out of their own systems and networks. The perpetrator then demands a ransom in return for decryption and often threatens to leak or sell the information on the dark web if the ransom isn't paid.
While the attached article discusses the 5 biggest ransomware attacks this year the true number one target is small businesses. Don't develop a false sense of security because all you hear about are large enterprises becoming victims of ransomware attacks. It is the incidents that you are not hearing about that are the most common, small businesses becoming victims of ransomware attacks (this can happen to individuals, too).
Take action now to protect against and prevent a ransomware attack from getting you or your business. Are your security measures strong enough to stop ransomware?

What Is The Shadow Web? Explained
Image from MUO
You've heard of the Dark Web. The Shadow Web is a step beyond the Dark Web. While most of your daily internet use will be considered safe the deeper you dig into the layers of the internet the scarier things can get and, sometimes, more dangerous. Checked out the linked article for a more detailed explanation.
Regardless of where you go on the internet, you should always be vigilant because anything can happen without notice.

How Easy Is It for Someone to Hack Your Webcam?
Image from MUO
You may have seen it done in a TV show or movie and the reality is about what you've seen. A random person just cannot decide they want to access your webcam and do it. They first need to gain access to your computer or other devices with a camera. Then they will usually need another piece of software to covertly activate the webcam.
Many people are concerned about this because of the invasion of privacy. Most webcams will have an indicator light that it is one or, in the case of mobile devices, there will be an indicator on the screen showing the camera is in use or was recently in use. You can also get a lens cover for most cameras to block the view until you need to use the camera. It is also important to keep your device/computer updated as well.

How to Find Stop Codes and Fix Windows 10 Errors
Image from MUO
With any piece of software, it is inevitable that you will run into an error at some point. Not every application will provide an error code but when they do it can be used to help track the source of the error.
Windows does a fairly good job of this and they are called stop codes. You will typically see this when you get the infamous blue screen of death. There are tools you can use to get more information on the stop codes in addition to performing a web search of the code where you will find many articles and solutions available for the error.
Typically the simplest and first step when you get an error is to reboot. A reboot tends to resolve half of all issues you may run into. From there you will need to run checks and possibly perform system updates. Checked out the linked article for additional details.
How to Get an iPhone to Play Nice With a PC
Many iPhone users do not own an Apple computer but usually have a Windows PC. It is possible to get your iPhone and Windows PC to work together to back up the iPhone. Check out the linked article for a short video on this process.
Tips & Tricks

5 Signs Your Laptop Won’t Last the Academic Year, and What to Do About It
Image from MUO
This also applies to almost any situation, including for work.
The most important item to consider when buying a new laptop is what it will be used for and how long you want to keep it. There is a difference between buying a laptop designed for regular consumers and those designed for work environments. The main difference is the quality of the components and the run time they are designed for. Business-class laptops are designed for longer periods of use compared to a consumer model.
One of the biggest causes of a decline in system performance is the laptop's hard drive. For better performance and, usually, a longer life consider getting a laptop with a solid state drive. You should also consider the laptop's CPU as this may not be upgradable depending on the model of the laptop you get. Consider getting a laptop with a more powerful CPU to help with long-term performance. When it comes to the memory you should get a laptop with at least 8 GB or more.
Check out the linked article for more informaiton.
Useful Information

How Fast Should Your Internet Speed Be in 2021?
Image from MUO
There are many factors that will determine how much speed you need. Factors such as the number of users, number of devices, and your online activities will need to be considered. Our best recommendation for a minimum speed would be 50 Mbps (megabits per second).
When it comes to picking your service provider you should select one that offers a broadband connection. The next step up would be a fiber connection. You should also know what the terms of service are and if you will be getting a special offer for your first year.
Check out the linked article for more details.

7 Things You Should Never Do on Your Work Computer
Image from MUO
The short answer here is to never perform any non-work-related tasks on your work computer. There are many reasons for this from privacy to security reasons. Keep in mind that anything you do on your work computer may potentially be seen by your boss, HR, or IT department. Keep your activities professional and related to your job. Check out the linked article for specific details.
FAQ of the Week

Is the Dark Web Illegal?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the Dark Web and if it is illegal.
The simple answer is no, the Dark Web is not illegal. While the Dark Web is not illegal to use there may be illegal content and activities occurring on the Dark Web. If you do want to visit the Dark Web do so with caution.