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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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State-Sponsored Hackers Are Apparently Up to Their Shenanigans Again
As more time passes we will learn more about this major hack, SolarWinds. This is a reminder to be more vigilant about your security and the strength of your passwords. It is also important to be aware of what and/or who you allow to have access to your systems and accounts. By the time you have received this newsletter this article may be slightly outdated as more information has been made available but the big takeaway is to always be aware of your security and safety while online.

Microsoft unleashes ‘Death Star’ on SolarWinds hackers in extraordinary response to breach
This truly shows the power that Microsoft has and how they can wield their power for good. I found this a very interesting read and I believe you will as well. This article outlines how over the course of 4 days Microsoft was able to stop the SolarWinds hackers.
Cyber Security

The Worst Passwords of 2020 Are Here and They're Horrifying
Passwords control access to almost every device and service we use. Use this as a reminder to ensure you are using complex and difficult to guess passwords. Also consider using a password manager.

What to Do About the Data Leak That Hit 8 Major Hotel Booking Sites
This is another reason to be using unique and complex passwords for every account you have. If your information is compromised and you are using the same login information across multiple sites then all those accounts are now compromised. Consider the following:
- Use a password manager to create and manage unique logins.
- Use a service to monitor the dark web for any of your information that may have been compromised.
- Consider getting ID protection if you do not already have it. ID protection can be another layer in your security protection toolkit.

Enhancing your Microsoft Teams experience with the apps you need
If your business uses Microsoft Teams to communicate you will want to read this article.

Microsoft Windows 10 Review
Are you still running a version of Windows older than Windows 10? Windows 7 support ended nearly a year ago. It is time to consider upgrading your version of Windows or buying a new computer with Windows 10.

Ready to Chat? How to Use the New Messages Features in iOS 14
Almost every new version of iOS brings some big changes or updates to messaging on the iPhone. Read this article to learn more about what is new for messages in iOS 14.
Tips & Tricks

How to Fix iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro Max Wi-Fi Problems
Learn how to troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues on your phone.
Useful Information

You Need to Opt Out of Amazon Sidewalk
If you are not comfortable with having part of your network shared for public use then read this article to learn how to disable Amazon Sidewalk on your account. Amazon has this turned on by default for all accounts.