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Microsoft Teams is Getting Old-School Windows Games
Image from How-To Geek
As good as the latest releases of Windows are, the old ones have a charm to them that new versions just can’t quite match. A big part of it is its old games — Minesweeper, Solitaire, you name them. Now, you can play them all over again, thanks to Microsoft Teams.

You Can Now Buy an Official Clippy Holiday Sweater
Image from How-To Geek
It wouldn’t be surprising if hundreds of years from now, people were under the mistaken impression that Microsoft was founded by Clippy, and not Bill Gates and Paul Allen. The little metal guy seems to continually reappear.

Should You Use Cloud Download or Local Reinstall on Windows?
Image from How-To Geek
When resetting your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC, you’ll be asked whether you want to do a “Cloud Download” or “Local Reinstall.” These options work a little differently, and each has its upsides and downsides. Here’s the difference between the two.

The iPhone 14’s Emergency SOS Feature Is Now Live
Image from How-To Geek
The iPhone 14 was a fairly minor update, especially the non-Pro models, but it does have one unique feature: the ability to send emergency messages using satellites in Earth orbit. Now the feature is finally going live.
Tips & Tricks

How to See How Much RAM Is In Your PC (and Its Speed)
Image from How-To Geek
Your computer’s RAM (random-access memory) is the speedy short-term memory the PC uses for running applications and open files. The more RAM your computer has, the more you can do at once. Here’s how to check how much your system has installed.

How to Tell if Someone Was Snooping on Your PC: 4 Ways
Image from MUO
Has someone secretly used your computer? What have they been looking at? Your laptop isn't where you left it. Your desk is a mess. This could be an issue whether you're working from home, in an office, or just browsing the web from your own house—no one wants to be spied on.

T-Mobile’s 5G Now Doesn’t Always Need LTE
Image from How-To Geek
5G comes with promises of high-speed connectivity, but depending on where you live, your carrier, or your phone model, it might not be living up to the hype. T-Mobile is now deploying an update that might make a significant difference.
Smart Home

The 25 Best Smart Home Gifts for 2022
Image from How-To Geek
If you’re shopping with the intent to expand a friend’s stable of smart home devices or bring a relative’s home into the 21st century, you can’t beat these gifts.
Interesting & Random Things

Waymo’s Self-Driving Taxis Are Becoming Meteorologists
Image from How-To Geek
Among the cavalcade of issues self-driving cars are running into, chief among them is bad weather, not that human drivers are good at dealing with that either. To mitigate this, Waymo is hoping to turn their autonomous robotaxis into mobile weather gauges.
FAQ of the Week

What Do CC and BCC Mean in Emails?
Image from How-To Geek
CC and BCC are standard fields you’ll see in your email inbox. But what does CC mean anyway? What does BCC stand for? Here we’ll answer your questions by explaining both terms and how you may be able to use them in your emails.