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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Cyber Security

How Cold Call Refund Scams Work
Image from How-To Geek
If you receive a phone call notifying you that you’re eligible for a refund, it’s probably a scam. Understanding how these scams work can help you avoid them and warn others not to fall for them either.

Is Putting Tape Over Your Webcam Actually a Good Idea?
Image from How-To Geek
When you walk around an office or café, you’ll often see people using an array of items to cover up their webcam. Sometimes it’s tape, post-it notes, folded business cards, stickers, their thumb, or a marlin. I smear peanut butter over my webcam, but chunky peanut butter. It’s more secure than smooth.

With the 2022 Update, Windows 11 Is Finally Worth an Upgrade
Image from How-To Geek
A mixture of tough hardware requirements, some unpopular changes to the user interface, and a general feeling of “Why bother?” have resulted in poor adoption rates for Windows 11. However, Windows 11’s 2022 update goes a long way to alleviating a lot of those gripes.
Tips & Tricks

Don’t Replace an Old Computer, Put an SSD In It
Image from How-To Geek
If you have the itch to upgrade an older desktop computer or splash some cash to buy a brand new laptop to get better performance, you really should start with this cheap upgrade.

12 Default Microsoft Excel Settings You Should Change
Image from How-To Geek
Like any other program, Microsoft Excel comes with some default settings that won’t work well for everyone. You can potentially save yourself time and energy by changing what happens every time you open and work in Excel.
Useful Information

What Is the “Click of Death” in an HDD, and What Should You Do?
Image from How-To Geek
It’s a story retold amongst computer geeks of all ages. Your mechanical hard drive spins up as usual, but instead of the comforting hum you expect, you hear that telltale “click, click, click.” This is the “click of death.”

Which Smartphone Accessories Are Worth Buying?
Image from How-To Geek
The market is flooded with all kinds of accessories for smartphones. Everything from silicone cases to big battery packs. You probably don’t need all of these accessories for your iPhone or Android phone. Which ones are worth having?
Interesting & Random Things

NASA and SpaceX Want to Give the Hubble Telescope a Push
Image from How-To Geek
The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating in Earth orbit since 1990, providing some of the best images and data about space ever captured. It’s now the target of an experiment to extend the life of artificial satellites.
FAQ of the Week

Internet Connection Not Working? 10 Troubleshooting Tips
Image from How-To Geek
It’s useful to have a checklist of things to try when your internet is not working. Sometimes you can fix the problem yourself, while other times, it’s caused by a problem with your service provider. Here’s how to pin down and fix the problem.

Internet Problems? Here’s How to Tell if It’s Your ISP’s Fault
Image from How-To Geek
No one likes internet downtime. It can make you feel completely crippled in your ability to work or communicate, control your home, or monitor your security system. But in those situations, how do you tell who’s to blame?