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How New York's Right to Repair Bill Could Change Consumer Electronics
Image from MUO
This is a big victory for the Right to Repair movement but there are still many battles ahead. Check out the article to learn why this is just the first step in the Right to Repair saga.

A Single Beaver Caused Internet Outages in Canada
Image from How-To Geek
Have a good laugh at this one - Internet outages are common, especially in rural areas where it can take a while for internet service providers to find the source of a problem. That just happened earlier this month in Canada, where a beaver was responsible for a long-lasting internet outage.
Cyber Security

Will VPNs Be Forced to Log Your Traffic?
Image from How-To Geek
The heat is on, and VPNs are feeling the pressure. More and more governments are cracking down on online anonymity on the one hand, while Hollywood is doing whatever it takes to crack down on piracy. As a result, something unthinkable may become a reality: VPNs that are forced to log traffic. Is this fear realistic, or is it just a knee-jerk panic reaction?

How Zelle Scams Work, and How to Protect Your Money
Image from How-To Geek
Zelle is one of the most popular financial platforms of its kind, so it’s no surprise that the platform has been made a target for scammers. Here’s what to look out for and how to avoid a nasty surprise.

Microsoft Will Soon Remove Internet Explorer From Windows 10
Image from How-To Geek
Microsoft dropped Internet Explorer from Windows 11, instead only making it accessible through ‘IE Mode’ on the new Edge browser. Now the company is preparing to remove it from some builds of Windows 10, too.

How to Make Your Taskbar Buttons Always Switch to the Last Active Window
Image from How-To Geek
Since Windows 7, apps with multiple open windows are combined into a single taskbar button. Hovering over the button gives you a live thumbnail of every window and you can then click the window you want to work with.
Please note that this requires modifying the system registry which can potentially cause harm to your system. Proceed with caution.

Your iPhone Soon Won’t Have to Reboot for Security Updates
Image from How-To Geek
Apple usually delivers critical security fixes as minor updates for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and so on, which means a full reboot and a (potentially) long install process. That might change soon.
Tips & Tricks

The Easiest Way to Create a Mail Merge in Microsoft Word
Image from How-To Geek
When you need to print letters or send emails to many customers, clients, or employees, you can do so quickly using a mail merge. With the mail merge wizard in Microsoft Word, you can set this up in just minutes.
Useful Information

How to Search Reddit More Effectively
Image from How-To Geek
Many people are adding “reddit” when searching on Google and other web search engines to get relevant results off the giant news aggregation and discussion site. There’s a better way to search both on and off Reddit, however.
FAQ of the Week

What’s the Best Distance to Sit Away From Your Monitor?
Image from How-To Geek
Do your eyes hurt, feel dry, or get tired after looking at your monitor for extended periods? If so, you might be sitting too close or far from your screen. Let’s discuss the best distance you should sit away from your monitor.