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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Cyber Security

1Password vs. LastPass: Which Is the Best Password Manager for You?
Image from MUO
If you've been a reader of our newsletter for some time you know how often we mention password managers. You may have wondered which is the best one. Two of the best, and ones we recommend, are 1Password and LastPass.
Personally, I've been using 1Password for years and love the product. LastPass is also good and an option we plan to offer to our business clients as part of a new service bundle. You cannot go wrong with either one. There is no wrong choice. Check out the linked article for a full comparison.

What Is Hacktivism and Is It the Same as Hacking?
Image from MUO
The term hacktivism derives from the terms hacking and activism. Roughly, it means the misuse of technology for social or political purposes.
Hacktivists are often computer experts. And they often use hacking techniques. But the term can also describe an activist without tech skills such as a whistleblower or an anonymous blogger.
A hacker is primarily motivated by financial gains. Most hacktivism activities performed are illegal. To learn more about hacktivism check out the linked article.

Can Bosses Legally Spy on Home Offices?
Image from MUO
This has been a question that many have asked since the start of the pandemic. While many forms of spying are considered illegal there are still legitimate ways for your at-home work activities to be monitored. If your work requires your activities to be monitored consider having a work-provided computer to use or at least keep your work and personal activities on separate devices. Do not perform any personal activities on a work-related device. For more information check out the linked article.

Resetting Your Windows PC Doesn't Actually Wipe Everything, Says Microsoft
Image from MUO
If you use OneDrive on Windows 11 you will want to be aware of this "bug" when you go to reset your PC. This affects the option that will remove all files. Currently, it is not removing OneDrive files. Microsoft is working on a fix but until then you may need to take some additional steps to ensure your OneDrive files are also removed. Check out the linked article for full details.

6 Ways to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 11
Image from MUO
If you don't perform regular maintenance on your computer you could find your hard drive filling up with a bunch of temporary files. These are files that are only needed for a short amount of time. Sometimes these files will get removed but most of the time they are not until you go in and clean up the system. This is a task that can also be scheduled to run on a schedule. To learn how you can remove these temporary files check out the linked article.
Tips & Tricks

10 Genius Tech Life Hacks for Smart People
Image from MUO
This article contains some useful life hacks for using technology that may be very useful. You may even learn a new trick or two.

8 Tips and Tricks for Making Your Laptop Feel Like New
Image from MUO
If your laptop is feeling slow and outdated you don't necessarily need to replace it. There are many ways you can breathe new life into it. This can range from simple cosmetic changes to system updates and cleaning. Check out the linked article for full details.
Useful Information

Are Used Smartphones Worth It?
Image from MUO
Getting a used smartphone can be a wise choice depending on your situation. Maybe you are more budget-conscious or your child is getting their first phone. There are also reasons why it makes more sense to buy a new phone, such as needing a warranty for the phone. Check out the linked article for a full analysis of buying new vs. used.

How Your Smartphone Can Replace Your Laptop
Image from MUO
There are many ways that our smartphones can replace our laptops today. However, we are not yet at the point where we are ready to completely ditch our laptops. There are still areas where laptops beat out our smartphones such as storage capacity and the ability to run more powerful and complex programs. Eventually, we will get to the point where our phones can replace our laptops.
FAQ of the Week

Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0: What's the Difference?
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.
Web 2.0 is known as the Social Web as there is a lot of focus on user-generated content and social activity. Web 3.0 is more of a decentralized network where there is no central authority. With our current setup, many companies wield great power or control over the web. Think about the recent issues with Amazon's web hosting services. When it went down many sites also went down.
Web 3.0 is our future and will help to reduce large central points of failure. For additional details check out the linked article.