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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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How Cybercriminals Are Using Bitcoin's Blockchain to Make Botnets Stronger Than Ever
Image from Gizmodo
What is the Blockchain? Check out this definition from TechTerms.
What is a Botnet? Check out this definition from TechTerms.
Cybercriminals are using this Blockchain to act as a fallback method when their traditional means of communicating with infected machines go offline. This makes it much more difficult to effectively shut down the malware since it uses the Blockchain as a backup mechanism to locate a backup connection or server to continue to communicate. The linked article provides a great breakdown of how this process works.
The best way to defend against this malware on your systems is to have a robust set of cybersecurity protections in place and to perform regular scans.
Cyber Security

Can ISPs Block Your VPN and What Can You Do About It?
Image from MUO
What is a VPN? Check out this definition from TechTerms.
What is an ISP? Check out this definition from TechTerms.
All a VPN does is encrypt the data traveling from and into your device. It’s not connecting you to the internet. That’s still the work of your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Why use a VPN?
Under normal circumstances, your ISP can easily spy on your web activity—even if you’re sticking to HTTPS websites, as that only encrypts the data packages being transferred, not your actual activity online. With HTTP websites, your ISP can have full visibility of everything you’re doing.
A VPN, on the other hand, encrypts everything before it even gets to your ISP, preventing them from collecting any type of data on your browsing activity, except for maybe your VPN brand if it's well known.
An ISP can choose to block any content or internet traffic they deem necessary, if it is in violation of their policies, or if legally required to do so. If you are trying to access a VPN but are unable to there are ways to get around any potential blocks put in place. Check out the linked article for full details.

8 Facial Recognition Myths and the Truth Behind Them
Image from MUO
Facial recognition has become a common method for securely accessing our devices and computers. With the growth of the technology has come several myths. Many of these myths have a basis of truth but it is important to know how facial recognition may be used and what is not facial recognition. The linked article is worth a read as it will help to dispel many of the myths and may even put you more at ease with the technology.

There’s an easy fix for Windows 11’s slow SSD performance
Image from PCWorld
In our last issue, we talked about an issue that certain SSDs might experience slower performance with Windows 11. Now Microsoft has a patch available to address this issue but you will have to manually search for and install it. For details on this process reference the linked article.

The 13 Best Windows 11 Tips and Tricks That Everybody Should Know
Image from MUO
As more and more users start to upgrade to Windows 11 they will notice some significant differences in the way parts of Windows look and operate. Fortunately, like all versions of Windows, there are options to change and customize the operating system. There are also new tricks to learn to make using Windows 11 a seamless task. Check out the linked article for full details.

Microsoft is rolling out the visual refresh of Office apps for Windows 11 and Windows 10 devices
Image from MSPoweruser
We have started seeing clients getting this update within the last couple of weeks. While it may appear that some of your settings have changed what you are seeing is the visual refresh Microsoft is bringing to Office. If you have not received the update yet you should be soon. You can also perform a manual update check from any Office app by going to File > Account > Update Options > Update Now or Check for Updates

7 Totally Unnecessary Settings You Should Disable to Optimize Your Mac
Image from MUO
If you are looking for ways to optimize your Mac or you are experiencing some performance issues you should run through the listed items in the linked article. Macs also need regular maintenance just like any other system.
Useful Information

7 Reasons Why E-Waste Is More Dangerous Than You Think
Image from MUO
E-waste is generally bad for our planet. There are many harmful elements in our electronic devices that are bad for the ecosystem and us. It is important to properly dispose of any old electronic devices. Check with your city to see if they have a recycling center or program that will take your old electronics. If the device is working see if it can be repurposed, refurbished, sold, or given to someone else or a charity that has a need.
If any device has ever stored any personal information you also need to ensure that the data is permanently removed or destroyed so it cannot be accessed.

5 Ways Automation Can Increase Your Productivity
Image from MUO
Automation is becoming more common in businesses and can be used to increase productivity. Have you or your business adopted automation in some form? Perhaps you or your business is already using automation and you are not aware. Automation can be a simple task such as a tool to schedule meetings or to schedule a post on social media. Automation isn't just for big complex tasks. Check out the linked article to learn about ways you can get started with automation to increase your productivity.
FAQ of the Week

9 DIY Projects for Your Old Hard Drive
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at what you can do with your old hard drives.
We get asked a lot about old hard drives after they are replaced with newer ones. If the drive is still good it can be repurposed for other tasks. Regardless of what happens with the old drive, it is critical to ensure the old data is securely erased from the drive.
As the above article covers, e-waste is a big issue. Repurposing an old hard drive or its parts can reduce the amount of e-waste. Check out the linked article for full details on what you can do with your old hard drives.