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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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WhatsApp Has Shared Your Data With Facebook for Years, Actually
Are you a user of WhatsApp? Are you concerned about your information being shared with Facebook? There has been some confusion around what information about you has been shared with Facebook. Your WhatsApp messages are end-to-end encrypted. This means that only you and the recipient can view your messages. However, the data that is generated about how you use the app/service and device identifiers can still be shared with Facebook.
This is not the first time that there has been an issue with Facebook and the data it collects and what it does with the data. If you are concerned about your privacy and how some of the generated information could be used to track you then I would recommend using another messaging service. Always read the fine print, terms of service, to know how your data will be used.
If you have concerns about how your data is used, or would like to know how to better protect yourself when using any online service, please reach out and we will be happy to help.

How Covid-19 Could Change Workplace Technology
I wanted to share this article as it has some very useful information. If you have a subscription to The Wall Street Journal you can read the full article, otherwise I will summarize the high points below.
Due to coronavirus pandemic there have been many changes forced upon the workplace technology or accelerating changes already in place. These changes will continue long after the pandemic has ended. What are the changes we will be seeing with our workplace technology?
- Video communications that will allow the use of avatars to have one-on-one conversations during group calls.
- Increased use of artificial intelligence
- Technological improvements to improve workplace safety
Video Communications
We have already been relying on video communications to stay in touch with coworkers and to conduct meetings. Soon we may be able to have side conversations instead of having to speak over everyone else or use the chat features. This will replicate turning to the person next to you in an in-person meeting and having a side conversation. This could be accomplished through the use of avatars.
What is an avatar? In this instance an avatar is a virtual representation of you in an online setting.
Home Office
We will also see design changes in the office equipment we use so it will better fit into our home décor.
Office Layout
For those who will eventually return to working in an office they will soon see a new trend in how office spaces are setup/designed. Before COVID the trend for office spaces were more open and collaborative spaces. Now we will see this being reversed and will be designed to reduce density and to increase adaptability. There will be more space between employees and more reliance on video conferencing. There may also be more rotating schedules between working from the office and from home.
Health Checks
More technology will also be used to check the health and safety of workers.
As we can see, there have been and will be more changes to the way we work. We will rely more and more on technology to compensate to the increased distancing and other challenges we have faced because of the pandemic. Changes take time to adapt to and we need to remember that not everyone is as adapt as others to learning and using new technology. Please help those around you if you are able as we are all struggling with something.
Cyber Security

Here's How SolarWinds Hackers Stayed Undetected for Long Enough
For those who are interested to learn more about the SolarWinds hack, these two articles will provide more information. Essentially the hackers were very methodical and well planned. The attackers went out of their way to ensure the components of their attack were separated as much as possible to evade detection.
Please note that parts of these article may be more technical. We are providing these articles as there is some useful and interesting information on this attack which provides more insight as to how it was so successful and why it went undetected for so long.

Microsoft is changing the way drivers are automatically installed on Windows 10 PCs
What is a driver? A driver is a piece of software that lets the operating system and a device communicate with each other.
Now that we know what a driver is it is important to know that there are two types: Automatic & Manual. The difference is one will automatically be installed when a device is connected to a system for the first time and the other will not.
Why does this change matter? This change made by Microsoft gives you more control over how some drivers are installed on your system. Manual drivers are also known as optional drivers and are not always required in order for a device to function. Before November 2020 and Windows 10 version 2004 these manual drivers were automatically installed.
Typically if a piece of software is not required or not needed it is best to not install it. If you are unsure of your current driver settings or would like more information on how software is automatically installed on your system please reach out and we would be happy to help.

How to Copy and Paste Multiple Items in One Shot in Windows 10
Periodically we all have the need to copy multiple files from one location to another, copy text, images, links, etc. When copying files it is easy to copy multiple files at the same time by first selecting all the files. Say you are working in a document and need to copy and move multiple pieces around inside the document itself. Historically you could only move one piece at a time. Since the Windows 10 October 2018 update there has been a clipboard history feature to help with this. The linked article will provide the directions on how to enable and use this feature. The article will also cover some third party options as well.
Why is this important? The biggest benefit is a boost in productivity. How often do you find yourself going back and forth trying to copy and rearrange a document or multiple files. This could also help if you accidentally cut out, not straight delete, an item. In some instances you can also use the undo feature, if available.
If you would like or need help with this feature please reach out and we would be happy to help.

The Most Common iOS 14 Problems and How to Fix Them
Every time a new OS version comes out there are invariably problems that come up. Some issues may be minor and others may be more serious. This is a fact of life with software but there are usually workarounds or ways to correct the issue. Apple's iOS 14 has its share and the linked article will show you how to correct or address the following:
- Poor battery life
- No notification
- Choosing new default apps
- Losing wifi connections
- Specific app problems
- Other issues
Do you have any other iOS issues? Reach out and we would be happy to assist.
iOS is the operating system Apple designed for iPhones and iPads (now iPadOS).
Tips & Tricks

How to Block Spam Calls on Android and iPhone
I bet everyone who is reads this newsletter has gotten at least one spam call. They are annoying and none of us want them. Did you know you that you can block these calls? The link article will show you how to block these calls on both Android and iPhone.
Please note that some options will block all calls from numbers not in your contact list. There are also third party solutions as well.
If you would like help to figure out the best option for yourself please reach out. We are here to help.

6 Ways to Find All Accounts Linked to Your Email Address or Phone Number
Do you know how many account you have signed up for that are linked to your email address or phone number? There is a good chance the answer is a lot. We all have accounts that we have opened for purchases and services we use. There are also many where we wanted to try something or maybe you setup something and then never used it.
It is best practice to periodically review your open accounts and close out those you no longer need or use. The more open accounts you have the higher your risk may be of your information being compromised or being hacked. As a reminder all accounts should have a unique password that isn't easy to guess. Also use two factor authentication, 2FA, where possible.
Lets get an early start on spring cleaning this year. The linked article will help guide you through finding your linked accounts. Please reach out if you need any help locating or even accessing accounts.
Useful Information

How to Get Extra Numbers for a Smartphone
There are times when it is better to not give out your personal number. How can you get around this? The good news is there are many options where you can get a virtual number that will ring to your phone or an app on your phone. Review each service to know its limitations and costs. Check out the linked article for information on several services.
Why would you want an extra number? There are many reasons such as selling items online, any online activity where you want to protect your personal number, work purposes, etc.
FAQ of the Week

How Often Should You Reboot Your Computer?
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the topic of how often should a computer be rebooted or shutdown. Please read the linked article for more details (it isn't long at all).
Essentially, when you leave a computer running for an extended period it is utilizing system resources and creating files as needed to operate. Over time some of these resources could become locked if an application or process does not properly release the resources it was using. You may start to notice your computer becoming sluggish. In this scenario you will want to perform a reboot as this will clear these issues and will generally improve the system performance. At a minimum you should reboot once a week. Your computer may also reboot on its own to apply updates it received.
If you will not be using the computer for an extended period of time it would be best to fully shut it down and power it off. This will help to ensure that no unexpected issues will occur while not in use. If you will be physically away you should also consider unplugging it to protect the hardware from any power issues that could arise.
For laptops, if not plugged in, you will need to keep an eye on the battery. Most systems are designed to save their state and shut down before it runs out of power.