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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Microsoft Office 2021 will be available on October 5th
Image from Engadget
The same day Microsoft will be releasing Windows 11 they will also release Office 2021. If you are an Office user who prefers to purchase Office instead of the subscription this is for you. Microsoft plans to support Office 2021 for at least 5 years.
Cyber Security

Learn How Hackers Can Hack Your Facebook Account and How to Fix It
Image from MUO
Every account that you have can be hacked. It is important to know how this can happen and how to prevent it. Here are a few things you can do to help protect your accounts:
- Use a unique and randomly generated password for each account. Do not reuse a password.
- Set up multi-factor authentication when it is available.
- Do not share your account credentials with others and log out of your accounts when you are done using a public or shared device.
For Facebook and any social media account, you should avoid publicly listing any contact information. You should leave your contact information off of your profile entirely if you can. Also, avoid participating in the numerous quizzes/questionnaires that are always being posted. Many of the answers you give will allow hackers to get personal information to determine your password and security question answers. This is an example of social engineering.
There are many more ways a hacker can get into your account along with additional ways you can help protect your account. Check out the linked article for more details.

How Does Antivirus Software Work?
Image from MUO
The linked article covers one of two types of antivirus software, definition-based antivirus. This is essentially a program that performs checks against a list of definitions or a dictionary of known viruses.
The other type is behavior-based antivirus. This will look at how a piece of software is behaving and will determine if the software is malicious. This type of antivirus does not rely on a list to check against. This will allow the antivirus software to catch more malicious threats than its definition-based counterparts.
Both types will handle viruses in a similar manner.
The most common antivirus products you will find are definition-based. ResTech offers the behavior-based option to its clients. Check out the linked article for full details.

5 Things You Need to Know About Ransomware in 2021
Image from MUO
Ransomware is a serious threat to large and small businesses as well as individuals. Everyone is at risk and needs to know that they could be affected regardless of how much security they have as attacks are on the rise.
If you are affected by ransomware the best course of action is to not pay the ransom as it will not guarantee any resolution and have a good backup to restore from. The backup should be set up before there is ever an issue and should also contain a cloud-based backup as part of the solution.
Businesses should have Cyber Liability insurance to cover against any potentials losses from a cyber incident. The business must be in full compliance with the policy for it to be effective.
Check out the linked article for additional items to be aware of.

Windows 11 WILL Run on Old PCs After All
Image from MUO
If you have an older computer and would like to upgrade to Windows 11 Microsoft will now let you do so. However, if your Windows 10 system does not meet the minimum hardware requirements you will not be able to update via Windows Update. You will have to manually install the update.
Keep in mind that this does not guarantee that Windows 11 will run without issue on your older hardware.
When it comes to considering when to replace your hardware our general guidance is:
- Desktops: If the computer is more than 5 years old it is worth serious consideration to replace it.
- Laptops: If the laptop is more than 4-5 years old, less for lower-end models, it is worth serious consideration to replace it.

Installing Windows 11 on an Older PC? Why You'll Have to Sign a Waiver First
Image from MUO
In more recent developments regarding installing Windows 11 on older/unsupported hardware, Microsoft will require you to sign a waiver.
Microsoft has made it clear that you have the choice to install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware. It has also made it clear that it won't be held responsible for issues users encounter while running the new operating system on hardware that doesn't meet their minimum requirements and that if it all goes pear-shaped, you're (mostly) on your own.

6 Default Windows Files and Folders You Should Never Touch
Image from MUO
Within Windows, there are several files and folders that should not be touched as they are critical to the proper functioning of the operating system and installed applications. If any of these items are modified or removed it could cause performance or operational issues with the system and/or apps or cause the system to cease functioning altogether. Knowing which items to leave alone will help you from accidentally causing any harm to the system.
Check out the linked article for the list of items to leave alone.

How to Open, Use, and Customize Control Center on iPhone
Image from MUO
The Control Center on the iPhone is a quick way to access commonly used settings and features on your iPhone (and iPad). Knowing how to access and customize the Control Center can improve your user experience with your iPhone or iPad. Check out the linked article for full details on using and customizing the Control Center.

5 macOS Folders You Should Never Touch (And Why)
Image from MUO
Just like with Windows, there are several files and folders on your Mac that should not be touched as they are critical to the proper functioning of the operating system and installed applications. If any of these items are modified or removed it could cause performance or operational issues with the system and/or apps or cause the system to stop functioning altogether. Knowing which items to leave alone will help you from accidentally causing any harm to the system.
Check out the linked article for the list of items to leave alone.
FAQ of the Week

Why Is My Wi-Fi So Slow? Here's How to Fix It
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how to fix slow Wi-Fi speeds.
Here are some things to consider:
Positioning - The router should be in a centralized location to maximize the area of your home that it can cover and should be placed as high as possible to extend the signal. You also need to consider the type of materials in the space as some will block the signal more than others.
The number of users on the network and the activities they are doing can affect the speed. If you have a lot of users streaming at the same time you can expect slower speeds. Limiting the amount of these and other bandwidth-heavy activities (video/music streaming, large file uploads/downloads, etc.) will help improve the speed.
Check for interference from other networks and other devices. Just like you can change the channel on the TV you can select a different channel to broadcast your wireless network on. Microwaves, Bluetooth devices, and other electrical sources can also cause interference with the wireless network.
Your router could also be the source of the issue. If you are running an older router it may not support the newest and faster protocols. Sometimes a firmware update will resolve this however, most of the time it would be best to buy a newer router. You should also buy your own router instead of using the equipment provided by your internet service provider as their wireless router hardware will always be slower (I know this from first-hand experience).

10 Ways to Improve Your Wi-Fi Router Speed
Image from MUO
Bonus items to help improve your Wi-Fi speed. Check the linked article for the list of items.