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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Microsoft Tells Users to Switch Off Printer Spooling to Protect Against Zero-Day Exploit
Image from MUO
The print spooler is a Windows software service that manages your system printing processes. When you hit print, the spooler takes the incoming print job from the software (or operating system) and ensures the printer and its resources (paper, ink, etc.) are ready for action. When you send multiple print jobs, the spooler queues them and manages printer output.
The print spooler service has access to the entire system. While it sounds innocuous, it can make such a service a target for attackers looking to attack resources with system-wide privileges.
This action should be taken to protect your system as it can be a serious compromise if an attacker takes advantage of this vulnerability. If you have any servers that does print or require printing then you need to disable this service. The process to do so is fairly simple. In the article there are instructions to do this via PowerShell. You can copy the commands from the article and paste them into the PowerShell application to run them.
Cyber Security

5 Ways Hackers Bypass Fingerprint Scanners (How to Protect Yourself)
Image from MUO
If you use any device with a fingerprint scanner you should read the linked article to learn how hackers can bypass the fingerprint scanners and how you can protect yourself. Even if you just have to tap in a passcode or pattern on a device you can still leave behind fingerprints that can provide clues to the code or pattern.

What Are Keyloggers? Five Easy Ways to Protect Against Them
Image from MUO
The main purpose behind a keylogger is to stealthily monitor our activities. Keyloggers come in various shapes and forms and can be either software or hardware-based which means they can exist as both a piece of spyware software or a hardware device that can track every punch of a keyboard.
Most keyloggers are used to capture data for credit card payments that are entered online. Once the data is recorded, the hacker on the other end of the keylogger program can easily retrieve it.
Keyloggers can get on a system through various means. Just like any other threat you want to have proper protection against them. In the case of keyloggers this includes having a robust and up-to-date antivirus software and using 2 Factor Authentication for passwords. As always be aware of what you click on and what you install on your computer. Checked out the linked article for additional details.
Microsoft's New Fluid Office Document is Google Docs on Steroids
Image from The Verge
Microsoft is creating a new type of Office Document. Microsoft calls if Fluid Office and they have made it open source. This online productivity tool looks to have great potential and could potentially dethrone Google Docs if Microsoft can get users to adopt it. These features will eventually make it into the desktop versions of office. Check out the linked article for more information.
Here is another update on Fluid Office.

Windows 11 could kill off the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
Image from Windows Central
Here is another example of the changes Microsoft is making in Windows 11. The Blue Screen of Death itself is not going away, well the error portion anyway. The background color is just being changed to black. While this is a relatively minor change the BSOD has been part of Windows since Windows NT 3.1 which was released in 1993.

Microsoft Might Lower the Windows 11 Minimum System Requirements
Image from MUO
When Microsoft first announced Windows 11 and the minimum system requirements many people were left wondering if their computer would support Windows 11. Microsoft now appears to be rethinking these requirements. It is very likely that if you tried running the PC Health App previously and got a message that your system would not support Windows 11 things may change. We currently do not have any updated requirements but we can expect to see an update to them before the official release of Windows 11.
Tips & Tricks

How to Fix an Overheating Laptop: 3 Key Tips and Solutions
Image from MUO
If your laptop is overheating then you will want to check out this linked article. It will cover some of the common reasons why this may happen and how you can resolve many of the issues.
Useful Information

7 Myths and Misconceptions About Charging Your Phone Debunked
Image from MUO
Do you have concerns about how you charge your phone or have you heard many conflicting pieces of information that you don't know which is true? This very useful article will help to sort things out. Many of these myths and/or misconceptions may have hung around from older technologies but many no longer apply to today's technology.

What Is Planned Obsolescence? How Brands Keep You Buying
Image from MUO
Planned obsolescence has become almost a standard practice with many companies that produce products. While not every company does this.....most do and it is good to know how and why it is done. Having this knowledge can help you make better informed buying decisions or can at least prepare you to know when you will have to upgrade. Check out the article for full details.
FAQ of the Week

How to Keep a Windows Laptop Awake With the Lid Closed
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how to keep a Windows laptop awake when you close the lid.
This is a change made in the system power settings. Open the Windows settings app and go to System > Power & Sleep and select additional power settings.
Check out the linked article for full details and steps to make this change.