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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Microsoft Officially Announces Windows 11
Image from MUO
It is official, change is coming.....again. There is no need to worry as we have your back. What is it? Microsoft is releasing a new version of Windows, Windows 11. There is a lot of new information to digest and a lot of information we still do not know.
What do we know?
- Windows 11 will focus on performance.
- Windows updates will be around 40% smaller compared to Windows 10. The updates will also take place in the background.
- Microsoft Teams will be integrated into the OS replacing Skype.
- New feature: Windows Snap Groups - will let you group apps into a single group and they will open in the same configuration and location each time.
- New Microsoft Store.
- Run Android apps in Windows 11.
There are also new hardware requirements to run Windows 11 which may make some computers from the past several years incapable of running Windows 11. Most systems should have no issue and there is an upgrade tool released by Microsoft to help you determine if your computer will be able to run Windows 11.
What we don't know:
- When Windows 11 will be released.
- Windows 11 pricing, although it does appear most PCs can upgrade for free if they meet the system requirements.
- What other changes to expect.
We have other articles covering many aspects that are currently known about Windows 11 but there is still much we do not know. We will continue to provide updates as new information is released.

A Well-Meaning Feature Leaves Millions of Dell PCs Vulnerable
Image from Wired
If you use a Dell computer you will want to take note of this issue.
What is firmware? Check out the definition from TechTerms.
Vulnerabilities have been discovered with Dell's BIOSConnect software that helps users to update their Dell device's BIOS or firmware. While these vulnerabilities cannot be accessed over the open internet they can be exploited from the local network itself. Dell has already begun releasing patches to correct these vulnerabilities. In many cases you may need to manually apply these updates since many Dell computers may not have auto-updates enabled for the Dell updates.
These updates need to be applied to your Dell device ASAP!

Windows 11 Is the Overhaul Microsoft Needed
Image from Gizmodo
One of the biggest changes coming with Windows 11 is the visual overhaul to the operating system's design. Things will look more unified and updated, dropping many of the legacy designs of previous Windows generations. Theses design changes have been known for months but was originally thought to be coming to a Windows 10 feature update later this year.
Check out the linked article for full details about the design overhaul Microsoft is bringing to Windows 11.

These features are going away with Windows 11
Image from Bleeping Computer
With any major operating system version upgrade there is bound to be many changes. Those changes also come as the loss of features. Some features are replaced by others and some are no longer needed or have been heavily used. Other features will no longer be directly built into the operating system but available as downloads or add-ons. Check out the linked article to see the list of the current features that will be eliminated Windows 11.

Can Your PC Run Windows 11? Check These System Requirements
Image from MUO
Check out the linked article for the full list of the minimum system requirements your PC will need in order to run Windows 11. You will also find information on how to check if your PC is compatible with Windows 11.
One key item to note is that the Windows 11 Home edition will require an internet connection and a Microsoft account to complete the initial setup. With this change businesses should no longer be using computers running a Home Edition of Windows. Some features that businesses need are not available in the Home Edition and haven’t been since Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11.

Google Chrome Knows Too Much About You: Here's What To Do
Image from MUO
Are you concerned about many of the recent changes Google has been making to Chrome? Are you also concerned about the amount of data Google has been collecting on you? You have several options depending on how far you want to go to protect your data.
If you are a fan of Google Chrome and want to continue to use it then consider making some adjustments such as those listed in the linked article. You could also consider using another search engine instead of Google Search.
To avoid Google altogether you can also switch to another browser. Previously we have recommended the new version of Microsoft's Edge browser.
Whatever your comfort level is just know Google will continue to do all it can to collect as much information about you as possible.
Tips & Tricks

How to Delete Your Personal Data From Public Record Websites
Image from MUO
If you are concerned about your online privacy or your privacy in general you will want to check out this linked article. You'll learn where many sites legally get information on you. You will also get information on how to clean up your own online data from social media, emails, and other accounts.
Useful Information

5 RAM Myths and Misconceptions That Really Aren't True
Image from MUO
If you've ever looked into upgrading or adding to the memory (RAM) on your computer you may have encountered some misconceptions that are not entirely true. This linked article will address these myths and misconceptions and will help to provide clarity.
Some of these came about as there was some truth related to system performance but nothing that would cause harm to a system.

50 Funny Wi-Fi Names for Your Home Router and Network
Image from MUO
Just some humor to help brighten your day. Enjoy!
FAQ of the Week

Difference Between RAM And ROM — What Is Their Use?
Image from Fossbytes
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at the difference between RAM, or Random Access Memory, and ROM, Read-Only Memory.
You may have heard these terms before and wondered what they are or what the difference is between them. RAM is a volatile type of memory meaning that the data stored in the RAM is gone as soon as it loses power. RAM is the active memory of the system and where data is stored while actively in use such as a program you are using or a document.
ROM is a non-volatile type of memory meaning that the data stored in the ROM will always be remembered even when there is no power. ROM is typically used to store data that is needed over and over again such as instructions a computer needs in order to boot or power up.
Check out the linked article for more details on the difference between RAM and ROM.