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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Special Offer for Newsletter Subscribers
If you need any help or assistance with the topics in this newsletter we are currently running a special for our newsletter subscribers. We are offering a 10% discount for any service related to topics in this newsletter. You can contact us or call 713-936-6855 and mention the issue 22 special. This offer is valid through June 30, 2021.

Microsoft is embarking on a 'multi-year journey to re-imagine' Windows 10
Image from PC Gamer
Previously we have provided information about the upcoming update to Windows that will bring some significant design changes to the operating system. Now it appears that Microsoft is planning a multi-year journey to re-imagine Windows 10. This will continue the changes that we'll begin to see with the forthcoming update later this year. Microsoft appears to have learned from its past mistakes of forcing major changes all at once (Windows 8). This may be one reason why we will be beginning a multi-year journey to change Windows 10.
All we can say at this point is to be prepared for more significant changes with each new feature update but not so much as to make Windows look entirely new each time. We will continue to monitor for additional updates about the future of Windows 10.
Cyber Security

'Terms & Conditions Apply' Is a Game That Dares You to Opt-Out
Image from Gizmodo
With the changing landscape of online privacy more and more websites are implementing a terms and conditions popup or banner where you need to opt-out from certain tracking elements. Currently there is no standard to how these get implemented and you have to read each one carefully to ensure you get the desired outcome. The game mentioned in the linked article will simulate these elements and will help you recognize some of the patterns with the various terms and conditions out on the web. If you have been concerned about these opt-out prompts then this game will help you.
We are encouraging all readers to read the article and at least check out the game.

No other browser performs better than Edge in Windows 10, just ask Microsoft
Image from PC Gamer
Since its release Microsoft's Edge browser has improved significantly. Is it the best browser? That is for you to decide. There are many factors to consider and we have covered several of these in past issues. With all the new and upcoming features Microsoft has for Edge there is more than enough compelling reasons to give Edge a try.

Microsoft Tips Generational Update for Windows 10
Image from PC Mag
According to Microsoft's CEO the next update will be a generational update. This is of course referring to the next feature update scheduled to drop (be released) later this year. We already know that this update will have a big focus on design changes to the look of Windows 10. Other updates may be more developer focused. Don't expect this to be a massive update but this could be the starting point for moving Windows into the next generation version it will eventually become.

How to Change the Look and Feel of Your Windows 10 Desktop
Image from MUO
We all spend a lot of time on our computers for various reasons: work, school, play, etc. You want to feel at home and make it part of your space and even make it part of your identity. Windows has always had multiple features to customize the look and feel of it. Make it your own and work the way you want. Check out the linked article for details on how to customize the look and feel of Windows.

10 Hidden Modes in Windows and How to Use Them
Image from MUO
If you were not aware Windows has multiple 'modes' you can operate in. Some modes, such as God mode, unlock or surface many advanced features and settings while others help the lock down Windows for testing or troubleshooting. Check out the linked article for full details on the various modes available in Windows.

How to make Windows 10 more tolerable with these six simple tricks
Image from PCWorld
For many people Windows is a necessary evil. Not everyone is a fan and many people just tolerate Windows and try to use it as little as possible. While some have a dislike for the operating system others may just struggle to use it. The linked article covers some simple tricks to make Windows a bit easier to work with. You can also find a link at the end of the article to even more tips if you want even more.

8 Google Drive Settings You Should Change Right Now
Image from MUO
If you are a user of Google Drive you will want to check out this linked article for some tips and tricks for Google Drive.
Useful Information

How to Break Your Laptop: 5 Common Mistakes That Cause Laptop Damage
Image from MUO
Our laptops can, at times, still be fragile pieces of equipment. There are proper ways to use them and when mistreated they can develop serious issues or stop functioning all together. This article is worth reading for all laptop users. Even if you may already know about these common issues it never hurts to get a quick refresher.
FAQ of the Week

How to Stop Windows 10 Apps From Launching at Startup
Image from PC Mag
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how to prevent applications from launching in Windows during startup.
Many times when your computer begins to take longer and longer when you first turn it own can be attributed to the many applications that want to load when Windows first boots up. Most of the time there is no legitimate reason for this other than the developer thought it would be helpful to have their app ready to go from the moment the computer was turned on. Apps like iTunes, Spotify, games, etc. don't need to run right when Windows starts.
There are three common ways to stop an application from running at boot. Each option may not apply to every app. They are the the Startup tab in Task Manager, the Startup section in the Windows Settings app, and the application itself - typically in a preferences, settings, or options section. Check out the linked article for full details on this process.