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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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‘Holy grail’ battery breakthrough sees scientists solve 40-year problem
Image from Independent
The breakthrough involves harnessing the power of lithium-metal batteries, which are capable of holding substantially more energy and charge in a fraction of the time compared to lithium-ion batteries that are currently used in everything from smartphones to Tesla vehicles.
This is big news and advancement for battery technology. As we are increasingly reliant on our smartphones and other battery powered devices we are always looking for better batteries that can hold more charge, charge quicker, and last longer. This is also critical as our adoption of electric vehicles will only increase in the coming years and charge time, especially for public charging, needs to be closer to the time it takes to fill up on a tank of gas.
Don't expect to see this new battery technology out on the market tomorrow. We have only just seen a proof-of-concept design and work still has to be done for commercial scalability. This is an important step to the future of our battery technology.
Cyber Security
Microsoft warns: Watch out for this new malware that steals passwords, webcam and browser data
Please check out the linked article for full details.
While this may have have a direct impact or affect on many users we cannot just sit back an ignore it. A similar event could possible affect you someday and likely will with our current environment. Please take this as a reminder to be aware of your security and security practices.
- Don't open any email that seems suspicious or from a sender or email address you do not recognize. Always double check the email address tied to the sender's name. If anything seems off do not open any attachments and double check all links before clicking on them.
- Ensure your computer has virus and malware protection and it is kept up to date.
- Take a cyber security assessment every 6 months.
- Businesses should also have several layers of protection & prevention in place, especially at the network level.
While no effort can be 100% effective, knowing what to look out for and having up-to-date protection will help to significantly reduce your chance of falling victim to malware or a hack.

Do You Really Need to Buy an Antivirus App or a VPN Anymore?
Image from PC Mag
In short: Yes, you should have a third party antivirus app for your system (where supported). Depending on the network you are on and the privacy your require you may need a VPN but not in every situation. Many businesses will require a VPN connection to access their resources.
Check out the linked article for more information.

14 Ways to Hack & Customize the Windows 10 Start Menu
Image from MUO
Windows is great because it will let you customize many aspects of the operating system. This lets you conform parts of the operating system to your needs and they way you work. The Windows Start menu is one place where this customization will be handy as you may access the Start menu frequently to access system settings, apps, content, and files.
Check out the linked article for details on customizing the Windows Start menu. If you need any help with customizing Windows please reach out and we will be happy to help.

10 Ways to Tweak Your Windows 10 Taskbar
Image from PC Mag
Now that you know how to customize the Windows Start menu lets look at customizing the Windows Taskbar, which the Start menu is a part of. The Taskbar will be used as much as or possibly even more than the Start menu. Here you can pin your most used apps for a one click launch as well as accessing other system menus, settings, and notifications.
Check out the linked article for details on customizing the Windows Taskbar. If you need any help with customizing Windows please reach out and we will be happy to help.

3 Better Ways to Store Your Files Than on the Desktop
Image from MUO
It is generally considered best practice to keep your computer's desktop clean. When someone comes over to your house you typically want to ensure it is clean and tidy. You don't want to the person to think you are a mess. The same applies to your desktop. We've seen many users use the desktop as another place to store files on the computer. This can sometimes make it hard to find files as the desktop is not usually organized. Other issues can include desktop items not getting backed up and possibly slow logins if you are using a network account.
Check out the linked article for a few recommendations on how to best store and organize your files.
Tips & Tricks

26 Excel Tips for Becoming a Spreadsheet Pro
Image from PCMag
Are you a Microsoft Excel user? Do you sometimes struggle using Excel because you only know the basics of using Excel? Well we have found a great resource to help you up your Microsoft Excel game and skill set. I bet you will find at least one new tip that will be invaluable to your Excel skillset. Check out the linked article for a great collection of tips.
Useful Information

7 Uses for a USB Stick You Didn't Know About
Image from MUO
Did you know you could use a USB stick for more than just storing files? If you want to see other ways on how you can use a USB stick then check out the linked article for more details.

6 Reasons Why You May Not Want to Use SD Cards With Android Phones
Image from MUO
If you are an Android user you will want to check out this linked article about using SD Cards with your phone. You will also need to be sure that any SD card you get will be compatible and will be fast enough to use for apps and to access stored data. Check out the linked article for more details. If you do need any assistance please reach out and we will be happy to help. We can also help you ensure you have a compatible SD card for your phone.
FAQ of the Week

Why Windows Uninstalls Only One Program At A Time, Not More?
Image from Fossbytes
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at why Windows only uninstalls one program at a time.
This is due to the Windows Installer. This Windows feature limits the number of installs/uninstalls to just one since the process typically involves the modification of system files. It is very likely that other programs are sharing these resources/files and this limits potential conflicts that could break the operating system.
While it may be annoying or time consuming to only uninstall one program at a time, this limitation ultimately protects your system and data.