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Why the name POST? In the world of computers, POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Cyber Security

10 Security Tips Your IT Department Wishes You'd Follow
Image from How-To Geek
Your work IT colleagues probably seem a bit grumpy sometimes, and there's a reason: They're always busy working behind the scenes to keep you secure from hackers and other digital threats. You can make them less grumpy (and improve your own online security outside the office too) by following these tips.

Windows 10 Support Ends Next Year: Here Are Your Options
Image from How-To Geek
Lots of businesses, schools, and individuals still use Windows 10, and while that won't cause any problems at the moment, it may when Windows 10 support ends in 2025. Let's take a closer look at what will happen and what this means for you.

8 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making as a Beginner to Windows 11
Image from MUO
Many users change settings in Windows 11 if they do not like something. Tweaking something on Windows without knowing its consequences can be a big mistake, as it can expose you to a bitter experience with the operating system. Check out this list of mistakes you should never make in Windows 11.

7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Windows 11
Image from MUO
While we do not know what the next version of Windows has in store for us, there are plenty of functionalities in Windows 11 that are fun and useful at the same time. In this article, we have put together a list of such Windows 11 capabilities.

The Windows Photos App's Generative Erase Is Actually Great
Image from MUO
You might think removing objects from photos requires expensive software on desktop, but the Photos app on Windows is all you need to remove unwanted elements from an image. It's easily accessible, free, and is pretty great! Learn all about it in this article.

Why Is Chrome So Slow? Preload Webpages Before You Even Click
Image from MUO
Few things are more frustrating than sitting at your computer or mobile device, ready to browse the web, but each new webpage takes forever to load. If you use Google Chrome as your internet browser, you can avoid this problem using a nifty little feature called preloading. Let's learn how to enable it.
Tips & Tricks

How to See Other Devices Logged Into Your Facebook Account
Image from How-To Geek
Have you logged into your Facebook account on someone else's (or public) computer and forgot to log out? Facebook allows you to review all logged-in devices, their locations, and when your account was last used. If you notice suspicious activity, you can log out of devices you don't recognize.
Useful Information

The Easiest Way to Know if Your CPU Is Bottlenecking Your PC
Image from MUO
Finding the bottleneck in your PC can often be time-consuming, but if you know what parameters to look for, you can determine the culprit within minutes. Here, we teach you the easiest way to check if your CPU is bottlenecking your PC.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Did You Know ChatGPT Has Games? Here Are the 6 Best Ones to Play
Image from MUO
Bored of using ChatGPT for programming, chatting, and learning? It's time to start using it for gaming instead. Check out the six best ChatGPT games you can play right now.
Interesting & Random Things

We Still Use These '90s Technologies Today
Image from How-To Geek
The 1990s were an incredible time for technology. While car phones and beepers may have died off, plenty of tech from the 90s is still with us today. We'll share some of the best apps, tech, and devices that got their humble start in the darling decade that was the Nineties.