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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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These are the Windows 10 versions Microsoft will soon be killing off
Image from TechRadar
By now most Windows users know that Microsoft releases two major version updates twice a year, one in the spring and the second in the fall. As the newer versions are released the older versions of Windows 10 will no longer be supported. It is critical to keep Windows updated to get security patches from Microsoft and to also to continue to receive support from Microsoft.
Starting May 11 only Windows 10 versions released since 2020 will continue to be supported. At a minimum you will need to be on Windows 10 Version 2004. It is recommended to update the the most current version of Windows which is 20H2. You can find your Windows version by opening the Settings App and going to System > About. Look for the version number under the Windows specifications section.
Please reach out if you need any assistance with determining your version or Windows or updating to the latest version of Windows 10.

Why Microsoft’s new AI acquisition is a big deal
Image from TechTalks
This past week Microsoft acquired Nuance. Nuance is known for their Dragon dictation software and it is used extensively in the healthcare space. Knowing that the big focus currently with Nuance is in healthcare it will be interesting to watch and see what Microsoft does here. Could we eventually see a version of the technology get integrated into Windows? Will it remain more on the enterprise side or could the technology also make its way to the small business and consumer side?
This is something we will be watching with great interest.
Cyber Security

Block Chrome's FLoC Tracking With This DuckDuckGo Extension
Image from Lifehacker
As companies continue to either go one way or the other when it comes to the privacy of their users Google is taking a slightly different approach. Essentially they are trying to generalize your online tracking and group you with like users. Unfortunately this may not make you as anonymous as you would think. DuckDuckGo has created an extension that will help block Google's technology tracking.
For those who are privacy focused this is worth checking out or even considering another browser all together.

Why You Should Ditch Google Chrome For Microsoft Edge
Image from Gizmodo
As mentioned in the previous article it may be worth considering an alternative to Google Chrome.
Many years ago I used to be an avid user of Microsoft's Internet Explorer (yes, very ancient in tech). When Microsoft's Edge first came out to replace Internet Explorer I didn't think it was great and eventually moved to using Google Chrome as my primary browser. With all the issues Chrome has had recently with resource usage and privacy concerns I've begun to consider moving away from Chrome.
When Microsoft updated Edge to use the Chromium code base (same code base as Chrome) it soon started to become a more appealing option. While I may not fully abandon Chrome since some websites now require it to work it may become my backup and Edge my primary. There is also the fact that Edge is more integrated into Windows since it is a Microsoft product.
Over time some products just run their course and may need time to get better. It is looking like Chrome's time at the top may be coming to an end for now. I knew there were issue with Chrome for a while but after reading this article it has become harder to overlook the numerous issues with Chrome and Edge is starting to look much more appealing.
Once we have reviewed, tested, and compared Edge with Chrome we will report back.

Microsoft Teams hardware will join new presenter modes later this year
Image from PCWorld
If you or your business are avid users of Microsoft Teams then you should check out this linked article. These new features and hardware are centered around presentations and meetings. There are also some updates about some additional Microsoft services.
Learn more about Microsoft Teams.

How to disable start up programs in Windows 10 to make boot times faster
Image from PCWorld
As we use our computers over time we install more applications as we need them for various tasks. Sometimes this can cause our computer to slow down, especially at boot, since many applications want to start up when the computer does. There are a few things that can be done to improve the boot times of your computer:
- Check if there is a setting in the application to disable it from running when the computer first starts
- Check the startup tab in task manager
- Upgrade to a solid state drive
Check out the linked article for full details. If you need any assistance with improving your computer's boot time and performance please reach out and we will be happy to help.

11 Tips to Help You Fix the Windows 10 Blue Screen Error
Image from MUO
At one time or another we all will encounter a Windows blue screen or the Blue Screen of Death. Typically a one-off blue screen may not be much of a concern. However, if you do get many of them then there is an issue with your system that needs to be addressed. The linked article is a great resource to help troubleshoot and address these issues.
We are also available if you need any help troubleshooting and resolving any blue screen errors, just reach out for assistance.
Tips & Tricks

11 Keyboard Shortcuts Every Computer User Should Know
Image from Lifehacker
Keyboard shortcuts are very handy and many can save you from multiple mouse click and even multiple keyboard strokes. Many of these have become second nature since I use them frequently. Check out the linked article to see the keyboard shortcuts you should know.

How Long Do Laptops Last? 5 Ways to Increase Your Laptop's Lifespan
Image from MUO
We get asked on a regular basis about the lifespan of a laptop. This article does a great job of outlining the general lifespan for the various categories of laptops. Generally if the hardware is decent enough and proper maintenance is performed regularly the lifespan can be maximized. Please check out the article and if you have any specific questions we are available to answer them.
FAQ of the Week

How to Format a USB Drive (And Why You Would Need To)
Image from MUO
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are addressing how to format a USB drive.
USB drives come and multiple form factors and capacities. They are great for transferring files, storing files, and for backups. There are many reasons why you may need to format a drive.
- Erase data - Formatting can be a quick way to erase all data on a drive.
- Sharing - You may need to share a USB drive with someone and want to ensure none of the old files and data on the drive can be accessed by anyone else (and you have a backup of the data).
- Compatibility - You need to update the file system of the drive for compatibility reasons.
For full details and information check out the linked article. If you need help with determining the best option for formatting your USB drive please reach out and we will be happy to help.