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Why the name POST? In the world of computers, POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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Watch out Windows 11 users: Microsoft may be sharing your Outlook emails without you knowing - here's how to stop it | TechRadar
Image from TechRadar
Over 700 third parties, including Microsoft, could be reading parts of your emails.
Cyber Security

10 Quick Ways to Check For a Data Leak—and How to Make It Stop
Image from MUO
Data leaks pose an immense risk to your personal and financial well-being, but you can mitigate potential harm by responding immediately and safeguarding your data.

What Is a Burner Email Address and Do You Need One?
Image from MUO
Email is now the primary way through which businesses interact with us, be it through login notifications, marketing material, or spam. We're so often asked for our email address when signing up for accounts, that it's natural to be bombarded by mail on a daily basis, most of which you have no interest in.

Why You Shouldn't Opt In to Facebook's Link History Feature
Image from MUO
In January 2024, Meta introduced a Link History feature in the Facebook mobile app. This allows you to view a list of all the websites you've visited from the social network. However, enabling Link History comes at the cost of your privacy.

6 Minimalist Cybersecurity Tips You Can Implement Right Now
Image from MUO
Our digital lives are crowded with too many apps and accounts. We all feel it; most of us hate it. However, it's not about giving up convenience. It's about being safer online with fewer but stronger steps. A slimmer digital presence means better protection against cyber threats, which is where digital minimalism steps in. But what is digital minimalism, and how can it keep you safe online?

9 Tips to Safely Browse the Web
Image from How-To Geek
Phishing emails, malicious links, and bogus search ads are just a few of the many dangers you'll come across while surfing the web. Hang 10 with 9 of our best tips for exploring safely.

How to Keep Your Devices and Data Secure While Traveling
Image from How-To Geek
Nothing ruins your travels quite like identity theft. Avoid it by checking out our best practices for keeping your devices and data safe.

Is This a Phishing Email? 8 Warning Signs to Look Out For
Image from How-To Geek
Phishing emails are getting more sophisticated all the time, but there are still tell-tale signs that an email isn't legitimate. We show you what they are so you can keep your digital self safe.

6 Fixes if the C: Drive Keeps Filling Up for No Reason on Windows
Image from MUO
The C: drive in a Windows 11 or 10 PC contains the Windows installation files, along with other important files and folders, that all take up space. But if you notice the C: drive on your Windows computer fills up repeatedly, it may be a deeper issue that you should fix.
Useful Information

Shopping for a New Monitor? Don't Worry About the Brand
Image from How-To Geek
When shopping for a new monitor, look beyond the brands you know; we'll show you why.