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Why the name POST? In the world of computers, POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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CCleaner Got Hacked, Exposing Emails, Addresses, and More
Image from How-To Geek
The incredibly popular maintenance and optimization tool for Windows, CCleaner, recently confirmed a data breach that exposed loads of user data on its paid customers. The breach was reportedly caused by the MOVEit hack back in May.

Western Digital Won’t Make SSDs Anymore
Image from How-To Geek
Western Digital is one of the big manufacturers for hard disks, but the company also makes more modern SSDs as well, partially thanks to its purchase of SanDisk in 2016. However, Western Digital is now set to split into two companies, which could mean changes to some of its products.
Cyber Security

How to Talk to Older Relatives About Scams and Cybersecurity
Image from MUO
Have you ever had someone try to explain corporate taxes to you, or felt utterly lost when a friend tells you how “easy” it is to replace the head gasket on your car? That's the bewildering feeling many of our older relatives experience when confronted with the digital world.

What Is Quishing? How Can You Prevent a Quishing Attack?
Image from MUO
What is a quishing attack? How does this exploit work, and what can you do to protect yourself from being targeted? Let's learn how squishing puts your devices and data at risk.

Still Using SMS? You Should Stop: Here's Why
Image from MUO
A lot of users still default to SMS on their smartphones. But that's bad news for your security and privacy. Here's why and what you can do.

7 VPN Mistakes You Need to Avoid Making
Image from MUO
When it comes to VPNs, not all that glitters is gold, especially with free services that might sell your data instead of safeguarding it. Keep an eye on server locations too; picking one near you could be the difference between a snail's pace and the speed of light.

8 Ways to Repurpose Your Old PC That Can't Run Windows 11
Image from How-To Geek
On October 2025, regular editions of Windows 10 will no longer receive security updates. That means if your PC is incapable of upgrading to Windows 11, you can't use a modern, updated version of Windows on it. While it's time for an upgrade if you want to continue using a constantly up-to-date version of Windows (highly, highly recommended), that doesn't mean you should toss your old PC in the trash. Repurpose it instead! We'll show you how.

How to Turn Off Flash Notifications on iPhone
Image from How-To Geek
Prefer to hear your iPhone notfications instead of seeing them flash brightly? You'll want to disable the LED flash alerts on your iPhone. Here's how to do that.
Tips & Tricks

How to Tidy Up Your Browser for Increased Productivity Online
Image from MUO
Ever feel like your browser's clutter is the real culprit behind your dwindling productivity? Peel back the layers of unnecessary tabs, extensions, and bookmarks with straightforward strategies that promise a leaner, meaner, and a more focused browsing experience.
Useful Information

16 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Gadgets
Image from How-To Geek
We're constantly updating our gadgets and gizmos. If you're like most, you've probably accrued a variety of hardware you no longer use that's just sitting there, gathering dust until you decide to dispose of it all (hopefully, you're recycling your old electronics). Why not put your old tech to good use by repurposing it? If you're sitting on a hefty pile of old hardware, you'll want to see this.