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Why the name POST? In the world of computers, POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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23andMe Just Had a Data Breach
Image from How-To Geek
2023 has been a horrible year for data breaches, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Add 23andMe to the latest company hit by a data breach, except this time, there's something much more personal getting passed around by bad actors on the underbelly of the web: stolen DNA data. If you or someone you know has ever used 23andMe, you're going to want to read this.

T-Mobile Is Pushing Customers to More Expensive Plans, but You Can Opt Out
Image from How-To Geek
This only applies to customers on Simple Choice, Select Choice, One, Magenta, and Magenta 55 Plus plans.
Cyber Security

Deep vs. Dark Web: What's the Difference and Which Is Most Dangerous?
Image from MUO
The internet is made up of many layers, including the deep web and the more notorious dark web. But what are the risks of each?

Were You Hit by the Duolingo Data Breach? Here’s What to Do Next
Image from MUO
The language-learning app, Duolingo, was hacked, so cybercriminals might have access to your name and location. Here's why that matters.

How to Remap Any Key or Shortcut on Windows 10
Image from How-To Geek
If you've ever looked down at your keyboard and wished that a certain key performed a specific function, know that this isn't just possible to do - it's also incredibly easy. We show you how to remap any key on your keyboard with one handy utility in Windows 10, along with how to undo your remaps if you make a mistake. You'll be remapping your PC's keyboard like a pro before you know it!
Useful Information

Wireless vs. Wired Charging: Which Is Better for Battery Life?
Image from How-To Geek
Logic tells you that the less wires you have to get tangled, twisted, and broken, the better. Less wires means less mess, and more places you can sit your device and charge it overnight. It seems like the best approach - but is it best for your battery?

Does Resetting a Hacked Router Make It Secure Again?
Image from MUO
So, you're router's been hacked. The best solution is to reset the hardware, but does that make it secure again? Here's what you need to know.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How to Use ChatGPT as Your Personal Assistant for Work
Image from MUO
Do you want to save time and be more productive at work? Learn how to use ChatGPT as your personal assistant.
Interesting & Random Things

How to Hack the Hidden Google Chrome Dinosaur Game
Image from How-To Geek
How many times has your heart sank when you've seen the dreaded "No internet" screen in Google Chrome? You know, the screen with the pixelated dinosaur. Did you know there is actually a hidden game starring this cute dinosaur that you can play on this page? It's the perfect way to kill time when you're waiting on for your network to come back online, but it's also pretty darn tough. It doesn't have to be though if you know how to cheat! Here's how to hack this hidden game and make the dinosaur invincible so you can easily rack up a high score!
FAQ of the Week

What Is a "Portable" App, and Why Does It Matter?
Image from How-To Geek
When you install an app on your PC, it goes to several different folders. Meaning that you can't always pluck the app's folders off your PC and copy them to another. A portable app solves this problem, making it easy for you to use a particular app on any PC. But why would you want to do this, and why should you in the first place?