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New SEC Rules Require U.S. Companies to Reveal Cyber Attacks Within 4 Days
Image from The Hacker News
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday approved new rules that require publicly traded companies to publicize details of a cyber attack within four days of identifying that it has a "material" impact on their finances, marking a major shift in how computer breaches are disclosed.
Cyber Security

4 Reasons Why You Should Hover Over Links Before Clicking
Image from MUO
Links connect web pages on the internet together. But when you see a link, there are two parts to it. The first is the hypertext or anchor text, a visible group of words to which a URL (that is, the Uniform Resource Locator) has been attached. The second part, which is usually hidden, is the web address or URL pointing to a place on a computer network and determining how to retrieve data from there. This URL is displayed when you hover over a hypertext with your mouse.

6 Reasons to Avoid Using Torrent Sites to Download Software
Image from MUO
Torrenting was initially introduced as a faster and more reliable file-sharing method, but it quickly transformed into something else entirely. Many people use torrent sites and clients to download cracked software for free that they would otherwise need to pay for. It's an illegal practice, and the consequences go further than you might initially think.

5 Ways to Fix an "An Unexpected Error Has Occurred" Issue on Windows
Image from How-To Geek
In most cases, it has to do with your network adapter drivers. Let's get them fixed.
Tips & Tricks

How to Resize an Image
Image from How-To Geek
Resizing an image is a basic computing task that you’re going to need to master at some point. Here’s how to do that regardless of what operating system or computer you’re using.
Useful Information

Amazon Will Now Tell You About Recalls for Purchased Items
Image from How-To Geek
Not all products are perfect, and if anything you bought has a fatal flaw and needs a recall to be issued, you need to be made aware of it. There are already a few ways for manufacturers and government agencies to alert people about recalls on products they might have purchased, but they don't always get the message across. Amazon is adding a hub for recalls in an effort to help sellers and manufacturers spread the word about recalls more quickly.

The 150 Most Popular Emojis Explained
Image from MUO
There are so many emojis, it can be difficult to know what they all mean. Here are the most popular emojis explained.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Best Productivity Apps Powered by AI You Need Today
Image from MUO
AI or Artificial Intelligence isn’t a mere buzzword anymore. A significant number of apps already include AI technology. When using AI, productivity tools aren’t behind compared to other apps. Here are some of the best productivity applications that use AI to simplify tasks.
Interesting & Random Things

The 20 Funniest Websites for the Best Humor on the Web
Image from MUO
Comedy is a diverse and varied genre; no two people have the same tastes. With the advent of the internet, however, that doesn't matter. There really is something out there for everyone—from lowbrow to highbrow and from cheesy to cutting satire.
FAQ of the Week

Don't Wait For Your Favorite Social Media Platform to Die
Image from How-To Geek
Whenever a popular website makes big changes, people often talk about it "dying"---Twitter and Reddit are two great examples of this. In reality, though, big websites don't often fully die. If you're waiting for that to happen, it probably won't.