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T-Mobile Is Enticing AT&T and Verizon Users to Go Magenta
Image from How-To Geek
In the process of expanding its 5G network, T-Mobile also needs to actually pull people into the network. One of its approaches is, of course, to lure customers from other carriers and make them go magenta. Its new plans might just do the job.

How to Make Windows 11’s Task Manager “Always on Top”
Image from How-To Geek
Windows 11’s redesigned Task Manager has an always-on-top mode. Enable it, and the Task Manager will start in always-on-top mode every time you launch it in the future. The always-on-top Task Manager should even work in some situations where the standard Task Manager won’t appear.

Is CCleaner Safe for Windows?
Image from How-To Geek
After being the go-to Windows system cleaner for many years, CCleaner hit a very rocky patch that started with the discovery of a hack in 2017 and continued with data collection concerns just a short time later. But are those troubled times behind it, and is CCleaner safe for Windows now?

How to Find Your Lost Windows or Office Product Keys
Image from How-To Geek
If you’re planning on doing a reinstall of Windows but can’t find your product key, you’re in luck because it’s stored in the Windows Registry. It’s just not easy to find, and it’s impossible to read without some help. Luckily, we’re here to help.

Get to Your Windows 11 Desktop: 7 Fastest Methods
Image from How-To Geek
Whether you want to take a glance or find a specific item on your desktop, showing Windows 11’s desktop screen is as easy as pressing a keyboard shortcut or clicking a button. We’ll show you several ways to do this.

How to Use Apple’s Hidden Password Manager on iPhone, Mac, and iPad, and Windows
Image from How-To Geek
Have you got an iPhone or Mac? You don’t have to pay for a password manager; you can use Apple’s for free instead. This powerful tool can generate strong passwords, store login credentials, and even handle two-factor authentication codes.
Note: this may not be the best option if you are not all in on Apple's ecosystem.
Tips & Tricks

This Keyboard Shortcut Quickly Clears Your Browser History
Image from How-To Geek
Want to clear your browser history quickly? There’s a keyboard shortcut for that. It works in any browser, including Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox—on both Windows PCs and Macs.
Useful Information

Is Wireless Charging Bad for Your Battery?
Image from How-To Geek
Wireless charging is really convenient, but is it bad for your phone’s battery to charge it wirelessly? Here’s why people worry about it and whether or not their worries are justified.

Top 5 Free Udemy Courses Tech Heads Should Take Right Now
Image from How-To Geek
With technology becoming a vital part of so many different careers, it’s beneficial to know as much as possible. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to keep up with essential topics, especially if you’re learning from wordy digital manuals and outdated sources. If you really want to give your career a boost by expanding your tech-based knowledge, you’ll want to set your sights on Udemy, an online coursework marketplace. Within the extensive course catalog, you’ll find a number of free classes that can help you enhance your career and make you even more valuable in the tech space.
FAQ of the Week

How Long Do CDs and DVDs Last?
Image from How-To Geek
Do you have a CD or DVD collection holding precious data or your impressive music and movie collection? The lifespan of CDs and DVDs can vary depending on a number of factors, but we’ll explain what you need to know.