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Why the name POST? In the world of computers POST stands for Power On Self Test. This is the action computers take when they are first powered on to check their basic functionality prior to loading the operating system. We decided to take this same concept and to provide you with useful technology information at the beginning of your week to help get you started. POST is also a term associated with news as well and we felt this was an appropriate and fitting name.
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New Material Allows Lithium-Ion Batteries to Maintain Full Capacity for 5 Years
Image from PCMag
How often do you have to replace your device or pay for expensive repairs due to a dying battery that no longer holds a decent charge? There appears to be some hope on the horizon with this new battery material. This will help with the development of more reliable products for long-term use. This will make for expensive battery-based items, such as electric cars, a more attractive purchase since the batteries will maintain a higher capacity for a longer period. This is a development we believe is worth following.
Cyber Security

2 Ways Your SIM Card Can Be Hacked (And How to Protect It)
Image from MUO
You know the importance of protecting your computers and mobile devices. Have you considered that the SIM Card in your phone can be vulnerable as well? Check out the linked article to learn more.
As always, be aware of scams and fake or illegitimate messages you may receive. Don't respond to or open any links in SMS/text messages if they seem suspicious or you don't know the sender.
What is a SIM Card? See this definition from TechTerms.

Microsoft offers a temporary workaround for Patch Tuesday printer crashes - Neowin
Image from Neowin
Last week we brought your attention to a recent issue with a Microsoft update that had caused some users to experience printing problems. Microsoft has since released a temporary workaround for the issue. Information on this workaround can be found in the linked article. We will provide additional updates as they are released.
If you need any assistance with this workaround please reach out and we will be happy to help.

What Is Windows 10 Sun Valley? Everything We Know So Far
Image from MUO
Previously we have mentioned and discussed the upcoming Windows update slated for sometime this fall. This update is known as Sun Valley. It now appears that these changes, which are primarily visual, will be slowly added into Windows 10. We will continue to provide updates on this major Windows 10 overhaul as new information is released.

How to Use Windows 10's New 'Feature Experience Pack'
Image from Lifehacker
Microsoft is now developing and testing a "Feature Experience Pack" for Windows 10. The "Feature Experience Pack" will add extra features to Windows 10 that are not delivered as part of the regular OS updates. Windows XP had similar feature packs developed for it. As of right now there are not many features that have been added.
This is something worth keeping tabs on as new features are developed. I do expect Microsoft will come out with some useful features that will be part of this pack and not delivered through the normal Windows Update channel.

Microsoft releases first Windows Feature Experience Pack for Windows 10
Image from XDA
Check out this article for additional information on the new Feature Experience Pack for Windows 10.

19 Time Saving Tips for Windows
Image from Gizmodo
Have you ever felt like performing certain tasks in Windows takes too much time? Check out the linked article for 19 time-saving tips that can help you become more proficient with Windows and speed up your workflow.

Why You Shouldn’t Use The Gmail App On Your iPhone After New Privacy Disclosure
Image from Forbes
Are you a Gmail user with an iPhone using the Gmail App? If this is you then I highly recommend reading this article. As you may be aware Apple is hyper focused and committed to the privacy of its users. Apple recently began requiring app developers to disclose the data their apps collect. In the article you will find a comparison of the data collected by Google's Gmail App, Microsoft's Outlook App and Apple's Mail App.
If you find this concerning and would like to look at and discuss alternatives for your email app or even your email service then please reach out and we will be happy to help.
Tips & Tricks

Laptop Is Plugged In but Not Charging? 8 Steps to Solve Your Issue
Image from MUO
If you've ever had an issue with your laptop not charging then this article may have a solution for you. It is important to use the charging cable that came with your laptop as it was designed to work with your laptop. It is also important that all equipment is treated with care and used in the manner it was designed for.
If you need any assistance with troubleshooting an issue with your laptop please reach out and we will be glad to assist.
Useful Information

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Buy a Smart TV
Image from MUO
If you are in the market for a new TV now or even in the future you should give some serious consideration to buying a regular TV over a smart TV. Personally I will never buy a smart TV for the following reasons:
- Security & Privacy issues
- Performance isn't as great
- The interface is usually clunky
- I already use an Apple TV
I've been using an Apple TV and other options such as Roku for well over a decade. Back then smart TVs were very expensive and offered limited options. While that has changed you become stuck to that TV/location. With a device such as the Apple TV I can easily move it if I need to and it gets regular updates and has a robust app ecosystem. I also have several Apple devices and they all work with the Apple TV as well.
My ultimate recommendation is to get a regular TV and a TV device to use as the smart component. Pick the one that works best for you.
FAQ of the Week

How to Free Up Disk Space on Your Windows 10 PC
Image from PCMag
Each week we will address a frequently asked question. This week we are looking at how to free up disk space on Windows 10.
Depending on the size of your hard drive or solid state drive and how much data you are storing on your computer you may run of of space quicker than others. Sometimes you have enough space but there may be too many temporary and/or junk files that affect the performance of your system.
The simplest method to free up space is to start by cleaning out the temp and junk files that build up. You will also want to review your downloads folder as I have seen some system that have years worth of downloaded files sitting there that were only needed the one time, delete these old files. Next you will want to look at your document and other files and media to see what you no longer need. If you will never need it again then delete it. If you don't need a file very often but need to keep it consider offloading it to an online file & sync service such as Dropbox or OneDrive. Performing these tasks on a regular basis will help to keep your valuable space from getting used up. You should also uninstall any applications that are not needed to help free up space.
If you find you truly need more space than you have another option would be to upgrade to a larger drive and clone the old drive to the new one.
Check out the linked article for more information on how to clean your PC to free up space. If you need any assistance please reach out and we will be happy to help.