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Get Ready for ChatGPT in More Apps
Image from How-To Geek
ChatGPT is one of the AI tools that helped kick off the current AI trend, with an impressive (but often incorrect) ability to handle multi-step prompts and code problems. Your favorite apps might soon have AI features powered by ChatGPT.

The New Outlook for Windows Is Opening Up to More People
Image from How-To Geek
Microsoft has been publicly testing a completely new Outlook email app for Windows for almost a year now, but it was limited to people already in the Office Insider program. Microsoft is now ready for more people to try it.

Windows 11 Now Works With iMessage, But There’s a Catch
Image from How-To Geek
Windows already has integration with Android phones through the Phone Link utility (previously “Your Phone”), but those features were inaccessible to iPhone owners. Thankfully, Microsoft is now testing limited integration between iPhones and Windows 11 PCs.

Windows 11 Feature Updates Are Speeding Up
Image from How-To Geek
Microsoft has stuck to the same update pattern for Windows for a while now: new features once a year, bug fixes throughout the year. That’s now changing, starting with this month’s Windows 11 update.

Microsoft Is Revamping Windows 11’s Bad Audio Settings
Image from How-To Geek
The initial release of Windows 11 was a downgrade from Windows 10 in many ways, especially when it came to quickly updating audio settings. Microsoft is now trying to fix that with an update in testing.

You Probably Don’t Need Gigabit Internet, So Skip It and Save
Image from How-To Geek
Gigabit internet has become a gold standard regarding broadband adoption and determining whether or not your location has “good” internet access. But it’s overhyped, you probably don’t need it, and you can save hundreds of dollars a year by downgrading.

10 Ways to Improve Your Wi-Fi Without Buying Anything
Image from How-To Geek
Cruddy Wi-Fi performance is frustrating, but so is spending money when you could improve your Wi-Fi without spending a dime. Here are ten tips to improve your Wi-Fi for free, plus three bonus tips for people with more room in their budgets.

8 Reasons You Should Replace Your ISP’s Wi-Fi Router
Image from How-To Geek
Your ISP likely supplied you with a modem, Wi-Fi router, or both when you signed up for service. Here’s why you might want to return your ISP’s gear and use your own Wi-Fi router and modem instead.
Interesting & Random Things

20 Classic Smartphone Apps: Where Are They Now?
Image from How-To Geek
Millions of apps have been released for the iPhone and Android devices over the years. In the early days of smartphones, there were some apps and games that were particularly popular and important. Let’s check in on some of them.
FAQ of the Week

How to Clear Cache in Microsoft Edge
Image from How-To Geek
If you’re having browser issues, clearing the cache and cookies can be a simple fix. It’s easy to clear cache in Microsoft Edge on your desktop, iPhone, and Android device, and it can even be done automatically for you.